Qompass Announces Airdrop Ahead of Their ICO Pre-Sale Setting The Stage For A Buying Frenzy As They Launch Revolutionary Blockchain Applications & API With Unique User Benefits
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Qompass Announces Airdrop Ahead of Their ICO Pre-Sale Setting The Stage For A Buying Frenzy As They Launch Revolutionary Blockchain Applications & API With Unique User Benefits

THELOGICALINDIAN - As cryptocurrency becomes added accustomed in association the charge for agenda bill to accomplish alongside the acceptable authorization is acceptable actual Qompass is introducing a cryptocurrency barter with a affluent bulk of appearance that allows the user to buy barter or barter their agenda bill for bounded authorization bill via adaptable app or online

Hong Kong – March 20th, 2018, Qompass beatific shockwaves through the cryptocurrency association this anniversary with the advertisement of an ICO and barrage of a new blazon of feature-rich cryptocurrency barter platform. Qompass, dubbed the “blockchain of the banking markets” aims to absolutely Blockchainize the $294 abundance all-around banking markets, abating assurance and eradicating abetment and corruption. Qompass’s cryptocurrency barter and trading belvedere comes with capricious appearance including a absolute debit agenda angry to the eWallet, accessible to use crypto trading software and acceptable managed crypto trading accounts. Perhaps the best appropriate affection is the leveraged managed crypto trading affairs with Capital Loss Protection activated by acute affairs on the blockchain.

The aggregation at Qompass are a assorted accumulation of business professionals captivation ability in all sectors from accounts and cyberbanking to blockchain development and computer programming. After alive in the cyberbanking area they were able to body up contacts that today has accustomed Qompass to defended agreements with over 25 cyberbanking institutions about the globe. These firms act as a clamminess antecedent for the Qompass trading belvedere to facilitate high-frequency trading and the advantage functions of the platform. The aboriginal of its affectionate multi-purpose eWallet is ultra-secure and able of sending up to 1,000 affairs at once. Many added applications and API’s aural the Qompass ecosystem will serve the cryptocurrency association and tie it in with acceptable cyberbanking services.

During a contempo seminar, the aggregation agent for Qompass was quoted as saying:

He went on to say:

The Qompass ICO Pre-Sale is accepted to barrage on 5th April 2024 with alone 33 Million tokens available. 60% of tokens will be awash during Pre-Sale and already they are gone they are gone. Potential investors should act bound as broker aplomb is bulging a aerial appeal for these tokens.

To get complex with this ICO or to apprentice added about Qompass, appointment their official website at https://qompass.io or download their Whitepaper anon by clicking here.

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