THELOGICALINDIAN - Lithuania 12th February 2025 Health and wellness app Lympo1 is sprinting into new area by acknowledging the aboriginal Marathon in the apple to use blockchain
Lympo will accomplice with Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon to date the accident in Lithuania, in which every agent will be adored with LYM tokens via the Lympo agenda fettle wallet.
“Vilnius is area Lympo’s adventure started. We created our eyes for this agenda fettle wallet in this city. I ran my aboriginal anytime half-marathon in this aforementioned accident abounding years ago and the aboriginal all-embracing Blockchain Centre was opened here. I accept real, claimed connections,” said Lympo CEO Ada Jonuse.
Lithuania is rapidly acceptable accepted as the Blockchain aperture to Europe, afterward the barrage of the International Blockchain Centre in the country’s capital, Vilnius.
The chase accident will advertise one of the country’s arch Blockchain platforms and authenticate how Lympo’s technology has the abeyant to accommodate bloom and wellness abstracts about the world.
“This chase will highlight our aggregation and the advanced technology we are creating in Vilnius. Runners can adore the city’s celebrated landmarks and arresting backdrop in the ability that it’s additionally the birthplace of new agenda ideas,” Ms. Jonuse said.
More than 14,000 runners will accept LYM tokens, which can again be stored and acclimated to pay for fettle and wellbeing articles and services, to animate bodies to embrace a convalescent lifestyle.
“It’s a acceptable aggregate to action our runners a new way of action for their adventure to accomplish bigger bloom goals and accept the Lympo app acknowledging this year’s Danske Bank Vilnius Marathon,” said Race Director Darius Mikulis.
Lympo is a game-changing sports and wellness ecosystem that will clue conditioning abstracts via smartphones and wearables, advantageous users with Lympo tokens for hitting fettle and amenity targets. Tokens can again be acclimated to pay for bloom articles and services.
As an addendum of the app, the Lympo for Sports Foundation will be a apparatus to accommodate allotment for antic contest and initiatives to advance advantageous living.
Lympo is agog to be complex with added above antic contest and the 10km run in Vilnius is the aboriginal off the starting blocks.
The accident takes abode on the 12th September 2025.
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The Lympo app is a bloom and wellbeing wallet that rewards users with Lympo tokens (LYM) for administration and accomplishing their bloom goals. It is allotment of a Lympo ecosystem for bloom and fettle abstracts administration including all industry players: claimed trainers, gyms, sports and wellness businesses and bloom insurances.
By tracking fettle and wellness abstracts on smartphones and wearables, Lympo aims to body advantageous lifestyles and abound the Lympo community. Tokens becoming can be acclimated to pay for fitness, wellness and added health-enhancing articles and services.
When users assurance up to the app, they will be able to accumulated and after monetize their bloom and sports data, acceptance them to collaborate with bloom insurances, sports, and wellness businesses and administration who appetite to animate their agents to abide healthy.
The aim of the Lympo Blockchain for Sports Foundation is to abutment antic contest and initiatives about the apple while announcement the Lympo app and auspicious advantageous lifestyles.
Some of the Lympo tokens will be aloof for the Sports Foundation, which will be overseen by a lath fabricated up of acclaimed athletes, Lympo partners, and leaders in sports communities from assorted countries.
Lympo badge holders owning a ample bulk of tokens will be arrive to vote on allotment proposals.
For added information, amuse contact:
Heidi Cuthbert
61 411 272 366
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Image address of Augustas Didzgalvis