How Viola.AI Uses Blockchain to Tackle the Billion Dollar Love Scams Industry
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How Viola.AI Uses Blockchain to Tackle the Billion Dollar Love Scams Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - ViolaAI leverages on blockchain technology to change the dating and relationships mural in the world

One of the questions the aggregation at Viola.AI gets asked frequently — why does the dating and relationships industry charge blockchain?

One of the key problems that blockchain advice to break is trust.

There’s a huge assurance botheration in the dating industry — online adulation scammers are authoritative billions of dollars a year bloodthirsty on biting singles. Their accepted modus operandi — grab a photo of a accidental appropriate attractive being online, masquerade as the person, use a affected name, and alpha chatting with singles who anticipate that this persona absolutely exists. Once an affecting affiliation is created, they will alpha advancing up with sad sob belief to ask for money transfers.

One of the bedraggled secrets of this industry is — abounding online sites and adaptable apps absolutely use bots to allurement their users into subscribing for their services. With the abbreviate chump lifetime amount and quick agitate rates, abounding industry players succumbed to such bent practices, breaking the assurance amid account provider and user.

Firstly, with Viola.AI’s Real ID analysis congenital on blockchain, singles’ character is absolute through beheld acceptance and singles now can be assured that they are absolutely chatting with accurate and absolute users. No added faceless characters, no added affected profiles absolute pictures of models or actors/actresses. Also, by hashing the after-effects of the REAL-ID assimilate the blockchain and by decentralizing the key claimed advice assimilate the adaptable devices, this will ensure that alike if there is a aegis breach, all the clandestine abstracts is still protected.

Use case: Elizabeth uploads a photo to actualize her contour on Viola.AI. Viola.AI verifies that Elizabeth is a absolute being by demography a real-time video browse of her face and blockage adjoin her amusing media accounts afore acknowledging her profile. The action is again decentralized and stored on the Blockchain.

Secondly, VIOLA tokens are both a association and account token. How able an AI can be is based on how authentic and acceptable the abstracts is. With Viola.AI, our tokens can be acclimated as rewards to be accustomed to users who accord content, accommodate responses and accomplish abstracts to access Viola.AI’s accuracy. By accepting our own tokens rather than application added cryptocurrencies, the transaction is frictionless, as against to application gas.

Use case: Henry decides to adduce to Elizabeth. He asks the association on Viola.AI for admonition and ideas. Dozens of users acknowledgment with their angle belief while merchants acknowledge with offers for their casework and venues. Henry picks the best suggestions and his angle is a success!

Thirdly, the Ethereum Smart Contracts ensure that all rewards, revenues shares and barometer agency to be paid out are accomplished as promised, not aloof today, but additionally activity forward. The action is trustless. This would allure and animate added merchants and experts to appear assimilate the exchange and actuate the advance of Viola.AI.

Use case: Henry and Elizabeth’s 1st bells ceremony is coming. Viola.AI reminds Henry and asks if he wants to do article special. Flowers and a appropriate date, Henry says. Viola.AI sends him 3 altered suggestions for roses — Elizabeth’s favourite! After Henry decides on the flowers, Viola.AI arranges for their delivery, and books the restaurant. Henry surprises Elizabeth and their ceremony is a appropriate one!

Viola.AI is no baby project, about the aggregation is assured as they accept a able foundation to alpha off with. The abetment company, Lunch Actually Group is Asia’s Dating Giant with 13 years of accurate success almanac and 1.4 actor users with articles absolute of 4 Dating Apps, 2 Online Sites and 3 Offline Services and bounded attendance in 6 big cities in Asia.

CEO and Co-Founder, Violet Lim said:

For co-founders, Violet Lim and Jamie Lee, compassionate the affliction credibility of one’s dating and accord adventure is key. After auspiciously akin hundreds of bags of bodies in the accomplished 13 years, they apperceive what singles need, and what the industry is currently defective today — which became the afflatus for the abstraction of Viola.AI.

Viola.AI is the world’s aboriginal A.I-driven Marketplace for dating and relationships. She will be the aboriginal dating and accord A.I. that evolves with the users — creating a all-around and borderless abounding bend band-aid from dating, courtship, accord to marriage. With the adequacy to accomplish abysmal acquirements about anniversary user’s personality, background, and behaviour, Viola.AI can accord them the best accordant and admired advice, as able-bodied as proactively alert couples afore any important accord milestones and advice them break their challenges early.

Viola.AI will additionally absorb community-based marketplace, area experts, merchants, and ally can appear in to accommodate accordant appurtenances and casework to the users at the appropriate stage.

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Viola.AI is an ever-improving, decentralized and defended A.I. Driven Marketplace that gives data-driven advice, recommendations, concierge, and matches to advice singles to be able and able in award adulation while additionally allowance couples to sustain and bigger their relationships with their cogent other.

Press Contact
Christina Thung
Head of PR
[email protected]
Viola.AI community: Telegram

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