Bitcoin.Com Releases Fastest Ever Wallet App, With Built-In Support for Bitcoin Cash-Powered Tokens

Bitcoin.Com Releases Fastest Ever Wallet App, With Built-In Support for Bitcoin Cash-Powered Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoincom has developed its fastest anytime wallet app with an bigger architecture and a new focus on user acquaintance The Bitcoincom Wallet additionally now offers abounding abutment for SLP tokens aperture a accomplished new cosmos of agenda assets for millions of users about the globe

Also Read: Wallet App Marks Over Five Million Wallets Created

New Lightning-Fast Crypto Wallet App

A new Wallet app has amorphous rolling out to iOS and Android adaptable users, bringing millions of bodies the fastest applicant ever. Among the new updates included in the adaptable app focused on acceleration is Instant Pay, a affection which completes bitcoin banknote payments in beneath than a second, authoritative it faster than acceptable acquittal methods and added absolute wallets. It delivers a seamless acquittal acquaintance through the app, acceptance users to complete affairs instantly at online and concrete retailers that acquire bitcoin cash.

To use this new feature, you artlessly charge to set up a spending beginning in the app afore assuming a transaction and again the BCH acquittal can be completed instantly already the recipient’s QR cipher has been scanned. The added acceleration should aftereffect in added barter allotment BCH as their adopted best of payment.

“Censorship-resistant peer-to-peer banknote is now lightning fast through our wallet app. Instant Pay, an all-new wallet affection which is absolute to Bitcoin Cash, lets you accomplish payments in a breach second,” declared Stefan Rust, CEO of “These payments outdistance Visa and Mastercard, authoritative our wallet app faster than any other.”

Bitcoin.Com Releases Fastest Ever Wallet App, With Built-In Support for Bitcoin Cash-Powered Tokens

In accession to speed, the new wallet app affection added new and bigger functions including absolution users administer BCH and BTC in one defended chip platform, as able-bodied as acceptance them to acquirement BCH and BTC application a acclaim card. The app additionally focuses on claimed customization, absolution users abuse their accounts to their affection with new options. The developers accept alike alien a claimed addendum mechanism, which allows users to adjoin abstracts to alone transactions.

On the aloofness and aegis side, fingerprint identification and facial acceptance are additionally now accessible to ensure that alone the buyer can admission the account. And customizable transaction acceleration settings acquire been introduced, which can be acclimated to adjournment acquittal confirmation. The app additionally appearance a Discover area – a new maps interface that allows users to locate adjacent merchants that acquire bitcoin banknote for payments, ensuring you can consistently acquisition a abode to absorb BCH and auspicious added businesses to accept the cryptocurrency.

“The new architecture of the Wallet makes the absolute acquaintance easier for new users,” commented Corbin Fraser, the Head of Product at “Our architecture aggregation spent a lot of time because how to actualize the best admirable Bitcoin wallet accessible on the bazaar today.”

Your Key to the SLP Token Ecosystem

Our development aggregation has additionally been alive about the alarm to accompany a absolutely re-imagined app acquaintance that includes SLP tokens, so that the Bitcoin Cash powered tokens are now accessible in every wallet. With congenital badge administration support, users can send, receive, and abundance a array of tokens that represent annihilation from dollar-pegged stablecoins to basic gaming assets and aggregation adherence points, with the clandestine keys captivated alone by the user.

“With the accession of SLP badge support, the Wallet app has become added than a abode to abundance bitcoin,” added Fraser. “You can now administer bags of assorted agenda assets on the app alongside your cryptocurrency. Stay acquainted for added game-changing appearance which are advancing soon, too.”

Bitcoin.Com Releases Fastest Ever Wallet App, With Built-In Support for Bitcoin Cash-Powered Tokens


Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) is an accessible to use, able-bodied and adaptable badge administration arrangement that allows anyone to actualize tokens on the Bitcoin Cash arrangement in a permissionless way. It has helped the development of an ecosystem for BCH that replicates the array of ERC20 tokens on the ETH network. SLP tokens can calmly be created, traded, and managed on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain aural seconds, while costing users alone fractions of a penny for anniversary transaction. All affairs are recorded onchain, and custom badge behavior can be authentic application a bitcoin Script developing language.

SLP badge acceptance has developed rapidly back actuality alien in August 2018. This is in allotment acknowledgment to Exchange which has started advertisement SLP tokens for trading on its platform. These accommodate assets such as Gocrypto’s GOC, a badge that enables merchants to acquire crypto payments and accept adjustment in their bounded authorization currency, as able-bodied as ACD, a badge issued by the Tokyo-based ANA Holdings accessory Alliance Cargo Direct. Another afresh appear SLP badge is Lead, an absolute accolade badge you can acquire by growing the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. SLP abutment has additionally been added by Cybavo, a cybersecurity close accouterment clandestine key administration casework to some of the better exchanges in the world. In absolute added than 6,000 tokens accept been created application the SLP framework so far.

Last month, appear the accessible antecedent SLP Indexer Server for acceptance tokens and to accomplish SLP affairs accomplish as fast as BCH, allotment developers to actualize alike greater projects on the Bitcoin Cash network.

The Wallet app is chargeless to download now for Android and iOS.

What do you anticipate about the lightning fast new Wallet? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock.

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