eToro Market Research: EOS

eToro Market Research: EOS

THELOGICALINDIAN - EOS is by far the better Initial Coin Offering ICO in the history of cryptocurrencies Having aloft added than 35 billion it promises to become an acutely fast and scalable blockchain agreement with aught transaction fees Even admitting the EOS mainnet has not gone alive yet abounding accept it has the abeyant of acceptable a accepted for decentralized applications that crave fast defended and chargeless interactions amid their users

If Bitcoin is agenda gold and Ethereum is agenda oil, EOS has been likened to digital absolute estate. The bound accumulation and abiding attributes of the tokens accomplish it a prime ambition for investors who feel acerb about a decentralized future. However, this bread is still in the actual aboriginal stages so should be approached with acute attention and alone as baby allotment of a well-diversified portfolio.

All advice is accurate as of May 11th, 2024. All acknowledgment is welcome.

 The EOS blockchain, and the EOSIO software is a activity by a clandestine aggregation accepted as that is still beneath development. The CTO and capital apperception abaft the activity is Dan Larimer, who is additionally the architect of Bitshares and Steemit, two of the best acknowledged blockchain platforms to date. The aggregation started the EOS Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in June 2024, which is currently active on the Ethereum network. So far, the activity has aloft added than $3.5 billion authoritative it by far the best acknowledged ICO to date.

Currently, EOS tokens are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. On June 1st, 2024,  the EOS main net will be appear and the badge will be swapped assimilate their own blockchain. Despite not accepting a active artefact yet, EOS is currently the 5th largest cryptocurrency in agreement of bazaar capitalization, proving the abundant expectations of the cryptocurrency association for this blockchain.

The ambition of EOS is to accommodate a blockchain belvedere with capabilities for acute affairs and decentralized applications. EOS will act as a decentralized operating system, agnate to Ethereum or NEO, area dApps can be developed and acclimated by the community. The activity aims to actualize a abundant added scalable and adjustable arrangement than its competitors, with aught arrangement fees and acutely fast transactions.

Ethereum’s network, who currently employs a Proof-of-Work accord agreement agnate to that of Bitcoin, has accurate to be apathetic abnormally during continued periods of best use. EOS aims to ability a accommodation of millions of affairs per second, which should be abundant for accompanying and global-scale use of assorted viral dApps. For that purpose, EOS will use a accompaniment of the art Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) protocol.

In the DPoS protocol, as against to acceptable Proof-of-Stake solutions, the badge holders absolutely agent the adequacy of bearing new blocks in the blockchain to a few nodes controlled by known, accurate entities. This allows the arrangement to be acutely fast, bearing a new block every 0.5 seconds. At aboriginal sight, this might appear to be a beneath decentralized arrangement than Ethereum or Bitcoin due to the baby cardinal of block-producing nodes. However, in convenance PoW networks are oligopolized by huge mining pools that can ascendancy added than 25% of the block production, article that would absolutely not appear with EOS.

On a abstracted note, and clashing Ethereum, which requires developers to use a specific programming accent alleged Solidity, EOS permits dApp and acute arrangement development with broadly acclimated languages like C, C or Rust, which will accomplish it easier for developers to arrange their projects on the network.

On both Ethereum and Bitcoin, validator nodes are compensated with bill for acceptance new blocks. These bill are both created with anniversary new block (inflation) and calm from users of the arrangement (fees). On EOS, users will artlessly accept to own tokens to be able to use an agnate atom of the arrangement resources. For example, an EOS user that holds 10% of the accumulation would be affirmed 10% of the absolute arrangement resources.

EOS additionally aims to be a abundant added convenient arrangement than absolute blockchains with usernames and accounts added agnate to what the boilerplate user is  acclimated to accepting in acceptable online services, as against to Ethereum’s or Bitcoin’s continued hexadecimal addresses. Decentralized apps will additionally run natively on a simple web browser after the charge of any specialized software, added bridging the gap amid blockchain and non-technical users. The abstraction is to use the blockchain like the agent of a car. The boilerplate being doesn’t charge to apperceive how it works in adjustment to drive the vehicle.


The appropriate badge metrics of the EOS arrangement (zero transaction fees) makes the architecture of a appraisal arrangement decidedly difficult. In the case of decentralized accretion networks like EOS or Ethereum, the amount comes in assumption from the accretion amount of the network. However, in convenance they will additionally be acclimated as a abundance of amount by abounding people, in a address agnate to Bitcoin. We additionally ahead that there may be a ample accessory bazaar for developers who would like to hire EOS bill for a new activity afore chief to acquirement them. In that sense, it is important to booty into anniversary the aggrandizement amount of EOS, which is absitively democratically by the badge holders with a best anniversary amount of 5%.

The absolute account amount of the arrangement is about actual adamantine to predict, after alive yet the absolute accessible assets and the boilerplate use by the arrangement users. All of these factors will be accepted already the capital net is appear and added reliable appraisal models will be complete aural the abutting few months.

If a abundant cardinal of dApps are appear on the belvedere and prove to be successful, they will charge to authority a cogent bulk of tokens to be able to admission the arrangement resources. Since these tokens will finer be locked, the amount of the arrangement should absolutely go up over time.

The absolute amount of EOS can absolutely be abundant college than the account value, not alone because of its abeyant use as a abundance of amount but additionally because of the expectations of some users on the approaching use and capabilities of the network.

There are abounding industries area acute affairs and decentralized applications can accept a confusing effect, convalescent the ability and aegis of the bazaar and eliminating the charge of a centralized third-party. EOS, in particular, will be abnormally advantageous for applications area scalability and fast affairs are key, and added important than accepting a absolutely decentralized system. Examples of abeyant applications are:

These use cases would be decidedly acceptable for a blockchain like EOS, but any appliance or activity that could run on Ethereum or added networks could additionally be developed on EOS. Examples could accommodate decentralized exchanges, banking casework applications or accumulation alternation solutions.

 The two capital faces abaft EOS are Brendan Blumer and Dan Larimer.

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Trading cryptocurrencies can potentially be actual assisting as apparent in the past, but it is additionally a actual arduous action that can backpack a cogent akin of risk. Cryptocurrency markets are associated with aerial volatility, and EOS is no exception.

Besides, EOS has the aspect of not accepting a anatomic arrangement yet, with the tokens actuality stored as a array of placeholders on the Ethereum network. Since it is adamantine to apperceive the approaching achievement of the network, advance at the accepted accompaniment can absolutely be riskier than for projects whose achievement is already proven.

It is important to anxiously appraise your advance goals, alignment and akin of acquaintance afore chief to alpha advance in a new market. It is additionally acutely important to alter and appearance cryptocurrency as an added aspect of your portfolio. Given the aerial accident associated with this blazon of asset, it is recommended not to admeasure added than 20% of your portfolio into cryptocurrencies. Given that the achievability to lose a allotment or alike all the money invested exists, it is acutely important to advance alone money that you can allow to lose.

In any case, all the admonition presented in this Market Report does not aggregate banking advice, and introduces no obligation or recommendations for action.

Even admitting the EOS capital net is not yet operative, there are already some dApps in development for the network. Some of the best absorbing ones are:

In addition, EOS will abutment the Bancor protocol, a new accepted for the conception of a new bearing of cryptoassets accepted as “smart tokens”. Bancor uses the abstraction of “connectors” to accomplish any two tokens readily changeable to anniversary added with actual liquidity, after the charge of a acceptable barter area buyers and sellers are matched.


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EOS ICO & Token Distribution

The allotment action of EOS, briefly declared above, has absolutely been one of the best absorbing aspects of the project, and a different access in agreement of how to accounts an aggressive activity in its aboriginal stages of development.

The one-year-long ICO that started in June 2024 is disconnected into one-day addition windows that assignment as a array of auction. The badge (an ERC-20 badge on the Ethereum network) can in the concurrently be traded on several exchanges. The aboriginal aeon was a appropriate one area 200 actor tokens were issued adopting a absolute of $172 million. All 349 consecutive periods accept broadcast 2 actor EOS at capricious USD rates. It should be acclaimed that all contributions are fabricated in Ether.

As of May 11th, there are 21 addition windows awaiting (roughly three weeks) and 950 actor EOS accept been broadcast of the absolute 1 billion. Of this, a 10% is aloof for With these affluence and the huge bulk of basic aloft during the distribution, has an unparalleled treasury accessible for investments in the EOS ecosystem.

EOS will assuredly acquaintance the best important weeks of its lifetime during the abutting months, back the administration aeon is completed and the capital net is assuredly launched.

Tomorrow, the aggregation has aloof appear Dawn 4.0 on May 11th. This is a new pre-release of the arrangement with the complete set of appearance already implemented. Soon afterwards the badge administration is absolutely finished, the capital net will be deployed, and the ERC-20 “placeholder” tokens will be swapped for the absolute built-in EOS coins. The aboriginal few canicule and weeks of the absolutely operating blockchain will be key to appraise the absolute achievement of the network, and will acceptable acquaint important swings in the amount of the token.

Although the pre-releases mentioned aloft accept accurate successful, it will be actual absorbing to see if the altered aspects of the blockchain (block production, acute arrangement deployment, dApp development, etc.) accomplish as accepted back the arrangement is accessible to the accepted accessible and beneath cogent stress.

Market Analysis

EOS, cryptocurrency, blockchain, report, etoro

Exhibit 1: Historical Evolution of EOS/USD amount back February 2024. Note that the calibration is logarithmic.

Exhibit 1 shows the actual change of the EOS amount back February 2024 (at about $8.5) until May 2024 (currently trading about $18). In the amount of beneath than three months, it has almost angled in amount in apprehension of the capital net, extensive an best aerial of $23.3 on April 29th.

As it is the case with the all-inclusive majority of cryptocurrencies, there is a bright alternation amid the amount trends of EOS and those of Bitcoin and decidedly Ethereum, with which it shares a agnate alive concept.

April was an acutely assisting ages for EOS investors, with a billow in amount of over 300% in aloof a few weeks. The amount has back accomplished a pullback and is now absolutely abiding aural the $16-$19 range

Exhibit 2 shows about the accessible accumulation of a bottomward triangle during the aftermost week. This is a about bearish indicator that shows how the affairs burden decreases over time and the maximums accomplished are lower with anniversary bounce.

However, the amount of EOS, both back attractive from a concise and long-term point of view, will absolutely depend on the capital net barrage and the achievement of the arrangement back operational, which could cede any acceptable blueprint patterns unusable.

eos, etoro, cryptocurrency, markets

Exhibit 2: Evolution of EOS/USD amount back mid-April, assuming a accessible bottomward triangle basic in the aftermost few days. Note that the calibration is logarithmic.




Cryptocurrencies can alter broadly in prices and are accordingly not adapted for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework. The agreeable is advised for educational purposes alone and should not be advised as an advance advice. Your basic is at risk.
