South Korean Committee Passes Bill Enforcing FATF Crypto Rules

South Korean Committee Passes Bill Enforcing FATF Crypto Rules

THELOGICALINDIAN - South Koreas civic action board has anesthetized an alteration establishing a acknowledged framework for cryptocurrencies It requires crypto exchanges and account providers to annals with the countrys banking regulator and accede with the recommendations set by the Banking Action Task Force

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Committee Passes Bill

On Tuesday, the South Korean Civic Assembly’s civic action board anesthetized an alteration to the Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information, bounded media reported. Joongang Daily declared on Wednesday that the bill “will authorize a acknowledged foundation for basic currencies by allocation them as agenda assets,” abacus that “Cryptocurrency is one footfall afterpiece to actuality accepted in Korea.”

The country’s top banking regulator, the Banking Services Commission (FSC), explained that the aldermanic move will enhance the accuracy of crypto affairs while accomplishing all-embracing standards.

South Korean Committee Passes Bill Enforcing FATF Crypto Rules

The FSC emphasized that it affairs to actively adapt the administration decree and accordant notices afterwards promulgation for the accomplishing of the proposed rules. The regulator will additionally accumulate industry comments as allotment of the alertness process. The bill still needs to be anesthetized by the attorneys board and on the capital attic of the National Assembly, the account aperture clarified, abacus that if anesthetized it will go into aftereffect one year later.

Requirements and Obligations

The bill imposes anti-money bed-making obligations on cryptocurrency exchanges and account providers. While there are several crypto-related bills awaiting at the National Assembly, Hankyung advertisement acclaimed that this bill is the abutting to the recommendations issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental alignment founded to advance behavior to action money laundering. The FATF issued new guidelines for crypto assets and accompanying account providers in June. At the G20 leaders’ acme in Japan, all of the G20 countries, including South Korea, declared their charge to applying the FATF crypto standards.

The FSC explained on Wednesday that the bill requires crypto businesses to anticipate money bed-making and set arena rules for banking transactions, Joongang Daily additionally reported. “Under the new bill, all cryptocurrency-related businesses will be appropriate to address to and annals as agenda asset businesses with the FSC’s Banking Intelligence Unit (FIU).” Previously, the FIU indirectly regulated cryptocurrency exchanges through authoritative advice to banks. Hankyung elaborated:

South Korean Committee Passes Bill Enforcing FATF Crypto Rules

Joongang Daily additionally abundant that “Those declining to report, those declining to access an Information Security Management System (ISMS) affidavit from state-owned Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA), and those operating false-identity coffer accounts will not be approved.”

The South Korean government established the real-name arrangement aback in January aftermost year. However, it is currently only acclimated by the country’s top crypto exchanges: Bithumb, Upbit, Coinone, and Korbit. Banks accept been afraid to accommodate this account to added exchanges; they cited money bed-making accident as the acumen for abstinent account to abate operators. The assembly and the FSC accept agreed to set altitude for exchanges to use the real-name system. Furthermore, the account aperture conveyed on Wednesday:

What do you anticipate of South Korea casual this bill to adapt the crypto industry in band with FATF’s recommendations? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock.

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