Study Finds Cryptocurrency Scams Surged 40% in 2024, Forecasts an Increase of 75% in 2024

Study Finds Cryptocurrency Scams Surged 40% in 2024, Forecasts an Increase of 75% in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new abstraction appear that cryptocurrencyrelated scams about angled over the aftermost year However forecasts are not optimistic activity advanced as the address forecasts addition cogent access in the cardinal of cases in 2024

Research Scanned Over 300 Million Websites

According to the “Cryptocurrency Scam Report” appear by artifice blockage aggregation Bolster and aggregate with News, the alternation with the billow of cryptos’ acceptance and the coronavirus communicable additional the abstracts of crypto scams in 2024.

Bolster analyzed over 300 actor websites and begin out that added than 400,000 crypto scams were created over the aftermost year. In fact, it represents a 40% access in allegory with the numbers apparent in 2024, said the study.

With such a cardinal in place, and because the bitcoin (BTC) acceptable more mainstream, crypto scams could attestant an access of 75% in 2021, declared Bolster.

Shashi Prakash, co-founder and CTO of Bolster, told News:

Chainlink Is Among the Top Three Cryptos Used for the Scams in 2024

Most of the scams were accompanying to affected prizes, giveaways, or sweepstakes, as able-bodied as celebrity impersonations. Elon Musk, John McAfee, and Yusaku Maezawa were the top three celebrities impersonated over 2024.

Also, the top three of the best acclimated cryptos for the scams were bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), and chainlink (LINK). Moreover, scammers impersonated crypto exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, and Gemini.

The Cryptocurrency Scam Report provided added capacity on the correlations begin during the research:

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