Celebrities Turn Out to Support Ross Ulbricht Appeal
silk road

Celebrities Turn Out to Support Ross Ulbricht Appeal

THELOGICALINDIAN - The action for Ross Ulbrichts abandon continues and its accepting some highprofile supporters Over thirty accessible abstracts from about the apple will accumulate on 4th December starting 10 PM EST for the Free RossAThon

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Free Ross-A-Thon is an online appointment to abutment Ulbricht, the actor in the Silk Road case. Ulbricht was bedevilled to activity in bastille after acquittal in May, 2024. He is currently ambrosial his confidence and book in the Second Circuit.

Liberty Activists to Speak at Event

Over 30 acclaimed experts will allege during the free, eight-hour, livestream fundraiser. Speakers accommodate activists, economists, action analysts, historians, acknowledged authors, musicians, documentarians and ancestors members.

Among them are Jesse Ventura, above governor of Minnesota and acknowledged author; Doug Casey, world- acclaimed advance advisor; Alex Winter, acclaimed filmmaker; Tom Woods, political commentator; and Roger Ver, bitcoin able and entrepreneur.

“I accept a gigantic abuse has been committed with the jailing of Ross Ulbricht,” said Doug Casey. “Life after achievability of acquittal amounts to a political sentence, worse than those meted out by the Soviet Union.The bearings is shameful, Kafkaesque, and charge be set right.”

Worth Fighting For

FreeRoss.org logoDespite prosecutors’ afire assurance to accomplish an archetype of Ulbricht, his action is far from a absent cause. In contempo address proceedings, board criticized elements of the case including the acrid book for non-violent crimes, all-a-quiver affirmation and affecting affidavit from parents whose accouchement had died of biologic overdoses.

The Free Ross-A-Thon accident aims to awning the Ulbricht family’s ascent acknowledged costs. These accommodate $14,000 abandoned for press and bounden Ulbricht’s address abstracts for the court. Even then, this is alone a atom of the costs associated with Ulbricht’s acknowledged defense.

“In accession to allowance accompany amends for Ross, these eminent speakers will abode the biologic war, bent amends system, economics, privacy, abandon issues and the alarming precedents actuality set with this case,” said Lyn Ulbricht, Ross’ mother and accident organizer.

Will you tune in to the Free-Ross-A-Thon? Will Ulbricht airing chargeless in your (or his) lifetime? Let’s apprehend your thoughts.

Images via Wikimedia Commons, FreeRoss.org