Ethereum Futures? Bakkt Hints It’s Open To Altcoins

Ethereum Futures? Bakkt Hints It’s Open To Altcoins

THELOGICALINDIAN - Intercontinental Exchanges delayed cryptocurrency adapted ecosystem Bakkt is already answer the approaching accession of altcoins the aggregation hinted November 23

Bakkt: We’ll ‘Consider’ Non-Bitcoin Contracts

In a tweet, admiral said they would booty into annual “customer feedback” as a above affective force back chief which cryptocurrencies to abutment in accession to Bitcoin.

Bakkt had eyed December 12 as a barrage date for its aboriginal product, concrete Bitcoin futures, but aftermost anniversary abruptly postponed its admission to the end of January.

“We’ll accede added affairs as the mural evolves and as we accept added chump acknowledgment about what they appetite and need,” the cheep read.

No specific assets were mentioned, while commentators abide to agitation the beginning platform’s abeyant appulse on Bitcoin markets.


Days afore the aggregation accepted the postponement, BTC/USD [coin_price] had amorphous coast to lows which concluded up beneath $3700, basic an about 40 percent bead in value.

Volatility, some said, could accept been due to insiders alive about the Bakkt accommodation advanced and affairs their backing which they had ahead accumulated based on a December launch.

While assorted Wall Street heavyweights accept affairs to action institutional investors cryptocurrency-related instruments, Bakkt charcoal the acceptable aboriginal to serve the market, sparking hopes an advance arrival could about-face Bitcoin’s advancing buck market.


Well-known abstracts accept accurate that narrative. Investor Mike Novogratz, in particular, has suggested BTC/USD would access badly afterwards several months of casework such as Bakkt actuality operational.

“By the end of the aboriginal division we will booty out $10,000 and afterwards that, we will be aback to new highs — to $20,000 or more,” he told Financial News beforehand this month.

Bakkt did not articulation apropos over its barrage delay, instead framing the accommodation as actuality based on the charge to get its abode in adjustment to ensure trading went seamlessly.

“Given the aggregate of absorption in Bakkt and assignment appropriate to get all of the pieces in place, we will now be targeting January 24, 2024 for our barrage to ensure that our participants are accessible to barter on Day 1,” CEO Kelly Loeffler wrote in an official announcement.

What do you anticipate about Bakkt’s position on altcoins? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, Bitcoinist archives