AXEL: The Revolutionary Blockchain-based Digital Asset Marketplace
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AXEL: The Revolutionary Blockchain-based Digital Asset Marketplace

THELOGICALINDIAN - Many accept that blockchain technology account goes far above the realms of cryptocurrency and acquittal processing AXEL is an apotheosis of that abstraction that strives to advantage decentralized P2P arrangement technology in analytic the problems that abound in the agenda agreeable ecosystem AXEL combines blockchain and acute arrangement protocols to about-face the antithesis of ability in the agreeable ecosystem aback to the easily of creators

Middlemen about acquire all the ability in the accepted agenda asset space. They adjudge how the bazaar operates, who gets paid what, etc. Creators – the bodies whose aptitude and adeptness accept been acclimated to actualize advantageous content, are pushed to the curb. These middlemen authority all the keys and bouncer all the doors. Every agenda aperture is endemic by these ample corporations, and they rake in billions of dollars at the amount of the absolute artistic talent.

Buyers and sellers accept to depend on these online marketplaces, adversity backbreaking fees, advancing aloofness policies, and the inherent crisis of centralized systems. The best admired asset in the internet age is data, and these middlemen are the custodians of this data. Many of them advance all-encompassing databases abounding with user advice that is awash to the accomplished bidder, after any recourse to the aloofness of the owners of that data.

Centralized systems are accessible to cyber incursions in the anatomy of hacks and character thefts. It is fair to say that the accepted framework as declared aloft is abounding of audacious inefficiencies. AXEL proposes a able-bodied band-aid that caters to all of these problems while accouterment absolute amount for the absolute participants of any transaction – both the client and the seller.

The AXEL Solution Framework

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin showed that a blockchain could be acclimated to annihilate the charge for intermediaries – specifically, banks and allowance houses. Why stop at acquittal processing? AXEL is architecture a new agreeable transaction paradigm, one that emphasizes the aegis of the buying rights of agreeable creators.

AXEL’s mission of attention user agreeable and aloofness is the foundation for this purpose congenital blockchain technology that’s actuality developed in accession to the company’s absolute patented technology.  It will become an basement for content, privacy, and transactional Dapps.

In the AXEL marketplace, creators don’t alone own their data, but they additionally ascendancy it, after accepting to mortgage any of that ascendancy to third-party mediators. The belvedere covers all aspects of the agenda asset ecosystem including book transfer, acquittal processing, and online privacy.

AXEL allows users to allotment and alteration files anon to one addition via a P2P network. So, there is no charge to upload potentially acute abstracts to any axial server. The arrangement additionally incorporates the platform’s bequest acquittal agreement – AXEL Pay which provides defended transactional layers that acquiesce users to advertise their files instantaneously.

The AXEL band-aid framework delivers the absolute abeyant of ecommerce to users at around no cost. Users can actualize a activity e-store appropriate from their phones, affairs their agreeable and accepting the abounding amount accomplished from the sale.

Content monetization is the primary bartering action of the e-commerce age. AXEL delivers all of this with the added band of airy transactions. With the AXEL badge and the platform’s blockchain network, buyers and sellers can collaborate in a defended amplitude that is absolutely cloistral from alien compromise.

AXEL already has 3 actor downloads beyond desktop, iOS, and Android, and a 4.4 appraisement on Google Play. The belvedere is set to become the focal point of the arising agenda agreeable exchange that provides amount for all stakeholders.

What do you anticipate about the AXEL Platform? Share your angle with us in the animadversion area below.

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