CEDEX Pre-Sale Shines Bright Like a Diamond and Raises $20m in Four Hours
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CEDEX Pre-Sale Shines Bright Like a Diamond and Raises $20m in Four Hours

THELOGICALINDIAN - As CEDEX works appear abolition the oftentimes cryptic and absolute design advance industry we flash a ablaze on the actuality that their presale is already a multimilliondollar success

The adorableness and attraction of chunk cannot be ignored.  If you’ve anytime anticipation about advance in them, cerebration is apparently aloof about as far as you got.

This is because the billion-dollar industry is buried in a sparkling blind of mystery.  How can I invest?  What is a fair price?  What is the resale amount of diamonds?  These questions are what makes advance in these adored stones ambiguous for anyone interested.

This caliginosity and ambiguity are absolutely what CEDEX is aggravating to combat.  The blockchain-based design barter aims to accomplish design advance an all-inclusive, simple and able endeavor.

The belvedere has already accomplished astounding success with their badge pre-sale, which was launched on the 16th of March.  In aloof four hours, CEDEX aloft $20 million.  This is a absurd alpha to their ICO journey.  In fact, over the aboriginal four canicule of the pre-sale, the belvedere has already awash over 26 actor tokens, which is added than bisected of the 50 actor accessible to purchase.

It is bright that the apple is demography agenda of the CEDEX’s ambition of democratizing the design advance industry.  Interested parties still accept time to contribute, afterwards they register, as this appearance is set to achieve in aloof beneath 25 days.  However, if the aftermost four canicule are annihilation to go by, CEDEX Coins are absolutely affective fast.

If you’re austere about actuality a allotment of this design advance revolution, again these ERC-20-compatible tokens are capital as they are the average of barter which will be acclimated on the platform.  Investors will be able to buy chunk with these coins.

The diamonds, which will be accessible to purchase, will additionally be tokenized through blockchain technology.  This agency that if you’d like to buy chunk on the platform, you’ll accept a abundant barter history accessible as able-bodied as ownership- and gem blended information.

In the spirit of inclusivity, investors will be able to accord in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and acceptable authorization currency.  At the moment, one ETH will get you 900 CEDEX Coins and of course, admission to this fast-growing design ecosystem.

How CEDEX Can Help

As the appellation “blockchain” continues to boss headlines, it shows that this technology is not aloof a casual craze.  Its inherent characteristics such as efficiency, security, and accuracy accomplish it a applicable advantage for abounding added industries, not aloof cryptocurrencies.

These allowances are absolutely what CEDEX is acquisitive to booty advantage of.  Described as actuality the “first anytime certified blockchain design exchange”, the belvedere hopes to acquiesce its associates to calmly advance and barter in chunk as they would any added banking asset.

One of the affidavit that there is this akin of adversity in design advance is additionally one of the jewel’s arch attractions – anniversary bean is absolutely unique.  This does, however, accomplish appraisement and evaluations a bit catchy as it is done on a case-by-case basis.

Another affair is the actuality that alike admitting the industry is a multi-billion-dollar one, best of this money is acknowledgment to consumers attractive to buy completed adornment pieces anatomy jewelers.  This agency that design owners acquisitive to resell will booty a absolute banking knock.

Also, because of the actuality that it is not a adopted or accepted advance option, accessible investors are at a accident as to how to absolutely advance with how to invest.  CEDEX solves all of these issues.

The belvedere makes use of addition advance in technology, apparatus acquirements (ML).  The DEX, which is the platform’s ML algorithm, determines the account of a design based on a ambit of factors.  In essence, the DEX does all of the adamantine assignment for investors, acceptance CEDEX to alike be acclimated by novices and those with actual little ability of the design industry.

If you’d like to apperceive added about CEDEX, accept a attending at their whitepaper or accept a attending at their site.

What do you anticipate of CEDEX adopting $20 actor in aloof four hours?  Is this a forerunner to the platform’s approaching success?  Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of CEDEX, DepositPhotos