Cryptocurrency Bear Market: Four Options – Choose Wisely
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Cryptocurrency Bear Market: Four Options – Choose Wisely

THELOGICALINDIAN - In the decade back the addition of bitcoin it has been a rollercoaster of a ride for cryptocurrency investors abnormally afterwards the alpha of the balderdash run backward in 2024 There accept been thrills and spills and added ups than downs beyond the 10 years Certainly those who were able or advantageous abundant to advance in the aboriginal canicule will be actual admiring with their yield

Much like a rollercoaster, afterward a abrupt ascendance comes an animating – sometimes alarming – drop, and that has been the case for bitcoin and the added above cryptos in 2024.

There is allocution of addition balderdash run on the horizon, admitting whether it will appear is anyone’s guess. So what strategies do crypto investors apply in a buck market? Basically, you accept four options – as listed below. Choose wisely.

Short sell

“Shorting” is back a banker backs a assertive bazaar to decline. If their anticipation is correct, again they will benefit. Arguably the best acclaimed archetype of abbreviate affairs happened in September 2024, back Hungarian-American broker George Soros netted about $1 billion afterwards accurately admiration the British batter would bead back it was affected out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

Shorting is fabricated accessible through Contracts For Difference (CFDs), or derivatives, as they acquiesce the banker to advertise assets he or she doesn’t absolutely own. Simply put, a abbreviate barter is accomplished aback a adopted asset, or instrument, is awash at the accepted bazaar price. If the bazaar moves the trader’s way thereafter, and the amount of the asset declines, the amount of their position increases. From there the banker can accept to buy aback the now-cheaper asset and accomplish a tidy profit.

The 1,200 instruments offered by arch all-around amusing trading and advance belvedere eToro to its 10 actor associates accept the advantage to short, including aural the cryptocurrency and banal markets. Never has the aphorism “one man’s accident is addition man’s gain” been so apt.


The aboriginal time you see “HODL” back addition is discussing cryptocurrencies the chat causes you to stop reading. You think: “Is it a misspelling?” Well, yes it is – at atomic it was mistyped originally. Now, rather amusingly, HODL has spawned a activity of its own. It has acquired to represent a abiding trading action and aesthetics for crypto investors.

HODL has become an acronym (or alike backronym) for “hold on for baby life”, acceptation that alike back investors are in the abysmal red with their cryptos they should not catch beneath burden and sell, apprenticed by the acceptance that they will, ultimately, acquire abundant rewards, already accumulation acceptance has been achieved.

Quartz heralded HODL as one of the best important agreement in crypto ability in 2024, anecdotic it as a assurance to “stay invested in bitcoin and not to capitulate in the face of coast prices”.

There is absolutely abundant abeyant of HODLing as an advance strategy, and not affairs while beneath pressure, as history shows us – and not aloof in the cryptocurrency world.

One of the best belled examples of declining to HODL happened in the mid 2024s aback Ronald Wayne, Apple’s third co-founder – alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak – awash his 10 per cent pale in the then-start-up aback to the added two co-founders for $800.

In August 2024, Apple accomplished the celebrated anniversary of extensive a bazaar capitalisation of $1 trillion. Had Wayne adopted a HODL mentality his Apple pale would be account about $100 billion today.

It is absurd to adumbrate the future, but Jay Smith, one of eToro’s best recognisable Popular Investors (whose trades can be affected by others – as can anyone’s on the platform), believes blockage able will acquire the better rewards. Full-time banker Smith – a.k.a. jaynemesis on eToro – describes his trading appearance as “fundamentals, approaching and HODLing”.

“I durably accept that cryptos will change the world, replacing banal markets, best currencies and powering aggregate from machine-to-machine payments and the Internet of Things through to alive media, anticipation markets, babyminding systems, voting systems, alike potentially the internet,” he continues. “That actuality said, there is a continued way to go, we are in the actual aboriginal stages for best of these areas.”

Keep investing

When the amount of cryptos falls, abounding investors bifold bottomward – finer deepening their charge to a advance of activity that is potentially chancy – because the prices are so low. As with HODLers, those who accumulate advance see the abiding allowances of cryptos.

Despite the buck bazaar of 2024, abounding eToro users accept invested added in bitcoin, XRP, and a ambit of added cryptos accessible on the belvedere – just see the bazaar affect (image taken on November 30, 2024).

This is not advance admonition or an advance recommendation.


If you accept gone all in on cryptos and are cat-and-mouse for the arrows to about-face green, rather than red, it ability be a acceptable idea, during a buck market, to accede advance in added asset classes. By diversifying your portfolio this access will advance your all-embracing risk.

On eToro there are over 1,200 banking instruments, beyond six asset classes, on offer: cryptocurrencies; exchange-traded funds (ETFs); stocks; indices; commodities; and currencies. There are added means for users to advance with eToro, in accession to chiral trading. The avant-garde CopyTrader apparatus allows audience to archetype the trades of top investors automatically. Users can appearance and archetype anyone with a contour in a aboveboard way, and aggrandize their portfolio application CopyTrader while still application an alone strategy.

Another advantage is CopyPortfolios™: eToro action assorted portfolios including in cryptos, technology and the best-performing traders. These acquiesce users to advance in assorted markets or traders based on agreed advance strategies.

The award-winning belvedere absolutely is a one-stop boutique for all your trading needs in a crypto buck market.

eToro is a multi-asset belvedere which offers both advance in stocks and cryptocurrencies, as able-bodied as trading CFD assets.

CFDs are circuitous instruments and appear with a aerial accident of accident money rapidly due to leverage. 65% of retail broker accounts lose money back trading CFDs with this provider. You should accede whether you accept how CFDs assignment and whether you can allow to booty the aerial accident of accident your money.

Cryptoassets are able and can alter broadly in amount and are, therefore, not adapted for all investors. Trading crypto assets is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework. Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results. Your basic is at risk.

This agreeable is advised for advisory and educational purposes alone and should not be advised advance admonition or an advance recommendation.