Is This a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin?
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Is This a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - There is a huge accident aloof about the bend that is about to accelerate shockwaves throughout the Bitcoin communityThe halving is about aloft us

Bitcoin Mining

Satoshi Nakamoto advised Bitcoin in a way so that folks/users are adored for befitting the BTC arrangement up and running. These bodies are accepted as miners.  

Miners set up aerial powered computers to break circuitous algorithms in abysmal cipher to actualize a new block on the Bitcoin blockchain ledger. It is miners that verify affairs on the BTC blockchain and back a block is abounding and a new one created, miners are adored for their efforts in Bitcoin.

Solving the algorithms sounds almost aboveboard in theory, but this is far from the case. There are actually trillions of calculations complex to able the problem. High powered computer setups analyze through millions and billions of incorrect codes to acquisition one distinct actual one.  

Having aerial powered machines alive adamantine to break these equations comes at a price. Electricity bare to ability them 24 hours a day can amount Bitcoin miners bags of dollars per day. As added able mining machines appear assimilate the market, the apple of BTC mining becomes an added added aggressive one.

The accepted accolade for mining a new block aural the Bitcoin blockchain balance stands at 12.5 BTC or $57,500 at the time of writing.

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BTC Supply 

Bitcoin has a capped accumulation acceptation that already all bill are mined, that’s it, all BTC will be in circulation. The best accumulation is 21,000,000 BTC with a accepted circulating accumulation of 18,264,987 BTC.

This agency that 87% of the world’s absolute Bitcoin is in circulation.

Bitcoin is a abbreviating market. There are abounding abhorrence belief of users who accept absent their passkeys, befuddled out their passkeys or alike died after casual on the codes to accompany or family. This agency that those BTC are gone forever. It is estimated that there are about 3 actor Bitcoins absent always due to passkeys actuality lost.

Matthew Mellon, begat of The Mellon Bank Empire died in April 2024 from a affection advance in Mexico with an estimated $1 Billion account of XRP tucked away. This was gone always as his ancestors could not locate the passkey.

Some theorists alike accept Satoshi Nakamoto absent his key and committed suicide! This is due to the actuality that none of Satoshi’s bill accept moved, sparking rumors of his death. Strangely, none of his bill accept anytime been ‘cashed out’. Researchers appraisal that Satoshi mined about 700,000 BTC in 2024 or $5,492,858,000.00.

As cryptocurrencies can get absent in cyberspace in this way, abounding economists accept that this can alone access the amount of BTC.

As the Bitcoin accumulation shrinks, appeal will absolutely grow.

Rewards halved

As it stands Bitcoin miners are adored 12.5 BTC for a new block mined about this has not consistently been the case. Every 210,000 blocks mined, the accolade for mining a new block is bargain in half. This abnormality is accepted in the industry as ‘The Halving’.

In November 2024, aboriginal BTC investors could acquirement one accomplished Bitcoin for about $12.00. During this period, the accolade for mining a new block was 50BTC or $390,394 in today’s money!

During this time in aboriginal November 2024, miners would accept been adored $1,200 for a mined block. This was a baby accolade accustomed the bulk of electricity acclimated in mining. However, aboriginal miners would anon acquire the rewards.

Fast advanced to 28th November 2024 and the aboriginal 210,000 blocks had been mined.  The accolade was bisected for the actual aboriginal time in BTC history from 50 BTC to 25 BTC per block mined.

The additional halving took abode on July 9th 2024. During this period, BTC amount was amphibian about $652.00 per coin. With the accolade cut from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC.  

12.5 BTC @ $652.00 per bread would back a miner $8,150 account of BTC.

The 3rd halving is accepted to acreage on 11th May 2024 with the accolade to be bargain to 6.25 BTC per coin.

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Bitcoin amount movement 

Bitcoin’s bazaar mural has afflicted decidedly back the aboriginal halving 8 years ago. We accept apparent BTC amount appear from lows of $12.00 in November 2024 to an best aerial of $20,089 in December 2024.

Early Bitcoin investors accept fabricated a amazing 5,668.80% ROI.


Bitcoin is airy in attributes and there is absolutely affirmation of amount activity movement about the time of accolade halvings.

History has apparent us that the halving can abuse BTC amount in the abbreviate appellation but this anon leads to a resurgence, blame Bitcoin on a balderdash run usually a few months column half.

One approach suggests that miners advertise BTC as the halving approaches so in the actual months after, they can authority best of the BTC mined to accounts added operations.

There is Evidence of This in Data from BTC Halving Number 2 

On July 9th, 2024, BTC amount sat at $652.14 and one ages after back BTC amount fell about 10% to $592.14.

What the halving has apparent us, is that in the months afterwards there is a bounce-back in the market.

6 months afterwards halving 1 BTC amount attempt up 942% to $127.18 per bread – up from $12.00

6 months afterwards halving 2 we saw aggrandizement in the amount of 56%. BTC amount went from $652.14 up to $1,021.83.

Is this now the time to buy BTC whilst on a bearish run? Will the beasts arise in force afterwards halving cardinal 3?

Stay tuned…

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