OPEN Blockchain Innovation Labs Announces Collaboration with USC
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OPEN Blockchain Innovation Labs Announces Collaboration with USC

THELOGICALINDIAN - OPEN is captivated to advertise a analysis accord with the Viterbi School of Engineering at the acclaimed University of Southern California OPEN has declared that this is the aboriginal of abounding planned University collaborations as they advance to added the Blockchain amplitude and ascertain added breakthroughs in the field

OPEN Blockchain Innovation Labs (BIL) is a analysis and development aggressive arm focused on blockage at the arch bend of blockchain technology for industry use cases. Diligently developing groundbreaking assignment at BIL, OPEN is accessible to activate absolution specific partnerships and projects that they accept been advancing. BIL has committed allotment to ensure that universities such as USC can activate chat amid adroitness and acceptance that potentially leads to abstruse development on a ambit of industry-related topics.

OPEN is captivated to advertise a analysis accord with the Viterbi School of Engineering at the acclaimed University of Southern California. OPEN has declared that this is the aboriginal of abounding planned University collaborations as they advance to added the Blockchain amplitude and ascertain added breakthroughs in the field.

With OPEN Platform’s accomplishments of organizations such as the Blockchain Research Institute, this activity reinforces OPEN’s agreement alternation in development. BIL is alive on groundbreaking account in the amplitude including broadcast abstracts protocols, cross-chain diminutive swaps and abounding added anew arising ideas.

OPEN believes that bookish institutions and their analysis commonsense are key elements in beat new innovations for blockchain technology — whether it be the change of crypto payments through applications in boilerplate industries, allowance with advance agreement developments or ascent the throughput of accepted blockchains. As the absorption in the blockchain technology continues to grow, these types of collaborations are alike added critical.

OPEN believes that bookish institutions and their analysis commonsense are key elements in beat new innovations for blockchain technology — whether it be the change of crypto payments through applications in boilerplate industries, allowance with advance agreement developments or ascent the throughput of accepted blockchains.

In an accomplishment to ultimately advance the absolute blockchain ecosystem forward, the OPEN Platform aggregation continues to assignment on the best atypical and toughest concepts in the industry. Similar to how OPEN has been bridging assorted blockchain protocols, BIL is accepting the brightest minds to coact in adjustment to activate addition in the industry. In the actual abreast approaching we could see alike added agitative account as OPEN affairs on absolute abounding of its partnerships soon!

The Future is OPEN!

What are your thoughts on the accord amid OPEN and USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images Courtesy of OPEN Blockchain Innovation Labs.