The Latest Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) Roadmap – An Interview with LBTC Chief Developer  
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The Latest Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) Roadmap – An Interview with LBTC Chief Developer  

THELOGICALINDIAN - Interview Guest WHH LBTC arch developer and artist top chief Blockchain technology expert

 The LBTC official website ( has afresh adapted the Lightning Bitcoin Roadmap. Perhaps the LBTC association has already noticed it. We, on one hand, accept heard absolutely a few choir absent to apperceive it deeper. Also, on the added hand, we acquisition that abounding may still feel abashed about some of its abstruse and development concepts. Where will the LBTC go? What new abstruse appearance will there be? These are capacity of accepted absorption of the accomplished community. To this end, we arrive Mr. W.H.H., the arch developer and artist of LBTC, to accomplish us an official interpretation.


Q: I would be accustomed to account Mr. W.H.H., the arch developer and artist of LBTC. Should this be your aboriginal time to participate in such an open-to-public interview?


A: Well, yes. I additionally absolutely acknowledge this. In fact, in the past, our development aggregation had rarely been in talks of this kind. But we’ve additionally been because alteration this actual recently. We achievement to accept a array of advice with the (LBTC) association and absolute developers while ensuring the development advance to advice bodies apprentice added about LBTC and what it is accomplishing now.


Q: I’m gonna get appropriate to the point. What makes you appetite to barrage a new roadmap at this time?


A: I anticipate we are presenting an all-embracing aftereffect of our aggregation afterwards we reflected both on the accomplished and the future. We accept absolutely done a lot aftermost year, but aback we attending back, we acquisition it a bit confusing. Yeah, because the accepted administration seems not so clear, and the after-effects of our assignment are not put calm actual well. So, afterwards cerebration about it, we accomplished that we accept continued been defective a development plan which should accept a bright administration and advised milestones to achieve by steps. Without a bright direction, our efforts would not be common and accumulated appear a assertive goal. And the milestones actuality not bright had put us in the abridgement of actual feedback, and the association couldn’t accept or alike apperceive what we’ve been doing. And yes, that’s why we appear up with such a clearer technology roadmap.


Q: Okay, could you allocution about the “general direction” a little? Is it there now?


A: Alright, carefully speaking, LBTC is never after its accepted direction. We’ve absolutely consistently been with it, which may be a bit ambiguous and so is not accurately bidding to the association and the market. But the new roadmap on LBTC website has this time set it absolutely clear: “LBTC is branch for a accurate peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system. To accomplish this actual aboriginal ambition from the Bitcoin whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto, we are architecture in every account a added reliable and achievable agreement with bigger user experience.” This is never an abandoned talk, you know. It has anniversary chat in it with specific meanings. It is appropriate the administration we accept continued been thinking, cautiously honing, and eventually advancing to set down. And I anticipate that’s additionally the eyes of LBTC.


Q: So why has Nakamoto been mentioned? Just affectionate of advantageous accolade to Bitcoin, or absent to explain that LBTC is on the way aback to BTC?


A: Not aloof a simple tribute, I think. LBTC was originally a angled agreement from Bitcoin, one that has been adapted a lot. We can say that LBTC is the actual best aboriginal and avant-garde in all Bitcoin angled versions. Our UTXO DPOS mechanism, for instance, is in its attributes technically difficult to realize. There are some from the bazaar misinterpreting us and cerebration that we are aloof arena with the abstraction (of Bitcoin fork). I appetite to say that from the abstruse point of view, what we are accomplishing is beginning because the angle itself is an beginning exploration. So, alive on it affectionate of agency bridge the river by activity the stones, and it is absurd that it consistently goes that well. And if there is no abundant improvement, but for a few adjustments on parameters, this agreement is way too pointless. That affectionate of fork, if I can possibly alarm it so, is annihilation but a publicity stunt.


Q: Does that beggarly that LBTC wants to booty its own avenue and sets it altered from BTC?


A: Well…Let me anticipate about it…. To be precise, the absolute LBTC aggregation absolutely admit and amount the Bitcoin. We abstraction Bitcoin and additionally characterize ourselves as Bitcoin-based experiments. And those continuing with us, of course, should additionally be able supporters of Bitcoin. But LBTC absolutely thinks awful of the spirit categorical in the Bitcoin white paper. We anticipate the idea, “one peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system,” by Nakamoto is the amount of all our concerns. And because of that, we accept consistently been cerebration about what we can advance to ability this vision. Yeah, so we assignment on such functions as the UTXO model, delay-free confirmation, burning transfer, about chargeless transaction fees, and a added autonomous and decentralized babyminding structure to move appear this direction. In this sense, LBTC may be the absolute “Bitcoin Fundamentalism.”



Q: I anticipate I’m starting to get this. LBTC is not like BCH or BTG, which either stresses that it is the absolute Bitcoin, or claims it is bigger than Bitcoin. LBTC wishes to accomplish itself a added “peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system.” Is that right?


A: Yes, abundant afterpiece now. But I still appetite to accent that we don’t appetite to aloof absolute ourselves to this “peer-to-peer payment” idea. A cryptocurrency charge ultimately strive to become applied abundant to acknowledge to users’ needs. That’s additionally what we are thinking. So, we accept been because how we can accommodate added transfer-based abetting banking services, such as anon exchanging altered types of cryptocurrencies and arising and appointment customized tokens on the chain, so that we could be able to accord with abounding added banking casework in the future, like cross-commodity transaction exchange, asset tokenization and agenda asset lending. This book can be actual large. The acceptable and environmentally affable alteration is alone the base of the foundation.


Q: So what about the eyes mentioned above? How do you adapt and clarify it into your development plan?


A: Well, if you attending at our roadmap, you will acquisition that it has two big branches: namely, the Technology Framework User Experience. The above shows that we appetite to advance new appearance based on peer-to-peer payments to abutment a abiding eyes of the IoV (Internet of Value). For instance, we are planning or accept already done things like extending OP_RETURN, optimizing the accumulation anatomy for Address Balance Generation, acumen anonymity on the chain, and authoritative built-in build-in action agreement based on Op Code to abutment the anatomic design. Someone already asked if we could do Smart Contract. Yes, technically, we can. But we accept a Turing-Complete Smart Contract will be a arduous heavy architecture and bombastic function for a peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote arrangement or IoV. To accommodate approved banking casework and accommodated the needs of asset tokenization, we alone charge a alternation of specific built-in anatomic components. Stellar is developed on this idea. We achievement the association could apprehend our thoughts. It is absolutely not all-important to accomplish LBTC a ample and absolute accessible chain.


Q: Then what about User Experience?


A: Actually, there are two affidavit why we are specific on this User Experience. First, LBTC wants to accomplish an accomplished peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system. And our basal abstraction is still Payment Experience and User First. So, you know, we appetite to lift it up to a actual aerial level. In this development plan, we additionally appetite to fix the absolute defects, and added brightness what we originally were acceptable at, such as cross-platform Ablaze Wallet, accelerating acquittal acceptance and optimizing the irreversible block mechanism. And second, LBTC has consistently been highlighting the above On-Chain Babyminding System, for which we had a connected SGS (Spark Babyminding System) aftermost year, but we still charge to consistently advance accordant mechanisms. For example, we charge to abundantly optimize bulge ambit and attack mechanisms, set up the LBTC Foundation, facilitate multi-channel announcement process, and enhance Ablaze Wallet abutment for on-chain governance. In the future, we appetite anniversary badge holder to be included everywhere in the LBTC on-chain babyminding after any banned or thresholds. And if you acquiesce me to afford a little ablaze here. The modification and access of anatomy and babyminding will be actual large, and they will appear out in the additional bisected of this year.


Q: Very well. The development aggregation could collaborate and acquaint with the community. This is absolutely what the association best wants to see. So, is there any added approved plan for the aggregation in the approaching for such open-to-public communication? Well, you know, I can’t consistently apprehend an absolute account from you.


A: (smile) Alright, I’m absolutely actual accommodating to see added interviews. It’s accurate that the development aggregation did not do abundant on this in the past, but now we are planning a association that is added decentralized and added broadly involved, which accompany calm developers and agog association associates absorbed in LBTC. And It will transform the communications and discussions absolute to developers into article daily, approved and two-way. Yes, and we accept already started as we accept auspiciously organized an offline developer salon some time ago. Some developers were actual absorbed in what we’ve been doing. And we accept started our cooperation and there accept already been abundant results. Also, we will abide to acquisition across developers. Never bagatelle with them! Many of the LBTC third-party software had been apart developed by those across developers. They are absolute volunteers, not those who put on a appearance for the people. Anyway, LBTC absolutely thinks awful of the technology ecology. We anticipate a acceptable activity charge accept a achievable set of mechanisms that board all developers to cooperate. So, we can additionally accept the expectations of the association for our technology ecology. In the future, there will be added third-party developers, absolute developers, and association volunteers arena added important roles, and the association will additionally see added fruits that appear about. Let’s aloof delay and see!