3air Leverages Blockchain Technology to Deliver Extensive Broadband Connectivity in Africa

3air Leverages Blockchain Technology to Deliver Extensive Broadband Connectivity in Africa

THELOGICALINDIAN - The broadband internet connectivity belvedere 3air aims to accompany seamless broadband connectivity aural Africa The afresh appear belvedere recognizes the internet connectivity issues and the astronomic absorption in blockchain technology on the African abstemious 3air solves the connectivity claiming by application wireless broadband technology to ability ahead underconnected areas

3air is congenital on the Cardano blockchain, leveraging the chain’s accelerating technologies. Furthermore, the 3air badge takes advantage of the IOHK Atala Prism Identification Management solution.

The aggregation affairs to body broadband in developing countries area added institutions accept not been able to lay out the appropriate infrastructure. Most of Africa’s internet users affix application adaptable internet, which is generally bound in bandwidth, big-ticket and unreliable. 3air affairs to action broadband internet with acceleration up to 1 Gbps, forth with IP telephony and agenda TV subscriptions.

According to the World Bank, architecture out the basement for accelerated broadband internet will booty at atomic until 2030 and crave over $100 billion in investment. 3air’s proposed band-aid launches broadband casework in a new country aural 6 months and investments of about $10-$20 million.

3air Strengthening K3 Last Mile Tech

One of 3air’s best basic ally is K3 Telecom, a arch telecommunications account provider in the industry today. Its technology distributes bake radio signals through the air, alms a faster and added cost-effective way of accretion services.

The K3 aftermost mile technology institutes a abject abject which distributes internet casework to users aural a 30 mile radius. Teams on the arena conduct all-encompassing analysis on burghal layouts to install abject stations in cardinal locations to optimize ability and performance.

In the continued run, 3air’s eyes is headed appear straightforward, affordable, and reliable advice pathways, clashing 3G networks. Moreover, the startup affairs to brainwash Africa on blockchain technology afterwards calmly convalescent the region’s broadband internet connectivity.

The belvedere has additionally garnered several partnerships throughout its inception, abutting armament with technology-based companies like CV Labs, Iceaddis, and added on its cause.

Identity administration on the blockchain

3air is congenital on the Cardano blockchain, leveraging the chain’s accelerating technologies. Furthermore, the 3air badge takes advantage of the IOHK Atala Prism Identification Management solution.

The Atala Prism arrangement allows for conception of agenda identities alleged DID’s, that can be acclimated for identification and claimed advice tracking with aloofness options to accord users their absolute identities. This additionally allows for tracking acclaim array for the user. With approved acceptance of broadband casework and abacus added acquittal data, users can body their acclaim array that can be acclimated to booty out loans aural or alike alfresco the platform.

3air to Unveil Africa’s Untapped Potential

To appraisal the bazaar potential, 3air lays out several estimations for rollout in altered countries in its whitepaper. According to their research, Nigeria abandoned has the abeyant of breeding $60 actor of anniversary acquirement in the broadband telecommunications industry. Combined with added developments aural the continent, it shows the aberrant abeyant that lies here.

Creating abiding accelerated networks is one way to acquire the best after-effects from the developing cities while bringing added account to citizens. Sandi Bitenc, CEO of 3air, talks about the accent of ambience up broadband infrastructure:

“Imagine your clandestine or business activity after a fast and reliable internet connection. Unfortunately, this is the absoluteness of abounding bodies in developing countries. Now brainstorm the troubles of such a country as a whole. Development of a 3rd apple country needs to focus on assorted areas including bread-and-butter development, amusing development, ecology protection, abjection abolishment and others. Analytic them is adamantine and occasionally conflicting, but analytic them after advice and connectivity is around impossible.”

To be a allotment of the 3air association and chase the company’s progress, you can annals for the accessible pre-sale set to bang off on November 26 here.


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