AgroTechFarm ICO: Go Organic With the ATF Homegrower

AgroTechFarm ICO: Go Organic With the ATF Homegrower

THELOGICALINDIAN - AgroTechFarm CEO Ilya Tsigvintsev has a claimed affiliation to the ATF Homegrowers For him developing the apparatus is added of a claimed attempt than a business adventure Due to bloom altitude amoebic aliment was for him is not a caprice but medication Here is his story

Ilya was not of the boyhood who had acne. Yet, at 20 he started accepting red rashes that looked absolutely similar. He initially anticipation it is a backward boyhood access and did annihilation for years. However, 5 years later, age 25 his action was accepting worse. Thinking it was artlessly a bark action he visited a cosmetologist. They told him that this is not archetypal acne, his anatomy was abounding of toxins. The best acceptable account – poor nutrition. The admonition was to go get his digestive arrangement checked.

Unfortunately, the beautician was appropriate and Ilya’s abscess was a evidence of a added austere bloom problem. The account of his bark action was an basal digestive botheration – gastritis of the duodenum (small intestines). One of the likely cause for this action is acquaintance with abrasive acids and agnate substances.

Seems strange, doesn’t it? How would a actuality that destroys amoebic tissue (bodies are all amoebic tissue) end up in our food?

Turns out that the use of abrasive acids is absolutely common. Googling the appellation gives out about 2 actor results. Guessing by that, Ilya is absurd to be the aboriginal victim of this practice. Farmers use these chemicals calm with silicone sprays and colorants to accomplish their crops aftermost longer, beyond and added visually appealing.

Although the affair is best arresting in India, according to Ilya European producers additionally resort to these practices back importing to Russia due to the huge distances.

If you ambition to get added advice abounding medical journals accommodate peer-reviewed affidavit on the matter. Or if you are activity too apathetic for academia analysis out this video by Vice.

Doctors told Ilya that activity amoebic is the best important footfall to convalescent his health.

Unfortunately, during winter time in Russia, it is absurd to abound any crop. This agency that about all of the plants on the market, accept catholic added than 2500 km. Keeping tomatoes beginning during such a cruise conceivably takes a lot of silicone aerosol and abrasive acid.

Where are regulators you ability think. Well, alike admitting abounding growers in Europe abide certification, back it comes to Russia, the EU has no jurisdiction. So, a affection European ambassador ability resort to these practices back they are exporting for Russia, artlessly because they can get abroad with it. This makes award apple-pie aliment alike added difficult.

Ilya was accepting a adamantine time award 100% amoebic aliment to amusement his condition. Going to the farmer’s bazaar did not accommodate a solution. Since there was no accessible band-aid to the problem, Ilya absitively to actualize one.

The farmers bazaar can’t be trusted. Where he lived was too algid for accepting a garden in the backyard. So, his alone advantage was to acquisition a way to abound at home. His acquaintance with agriculture and the actualization of calm area got him thinking.

Eventually, he was accessible with his concept. However, he lacked the manpower to accomplish it into a alive prototype.

Luckily, in 2024 his adventure led him to Alexei Kovnerchuk. He was attractive for accessories to abound vegetables faster and added efficiently. After a abbreviate chat they accomplished that they can be of acceptable use to anniversary other.

Fast advanced to present day and the ATF Homegrower is a alive apparatus with a glassy design. Since the ancestor is operational Ilya has been accepting all of his veggies from the grower. Looking at his picture, there is no trace of his bark condition. Most chiefly tho, his digestive problems are in the past.

Want to apprentice added about the apparatus itself? Check out this piece.

Having a alive ancestor and actuality advantageous is great. However, Ilya and his aggregation apperceive that abounding others still accepting the aforementioned problem. The aim of their ICO attack is to accession money for accumulation assembly of the ATF homegrowers.

The ICO Presale appearance starts on February 16th, 2024 (00:01 UTC). Make abiding not to absence it out because there is a dank 50% abatement for aboriginal birds.

As able-bodied as that they accept abundant acknowledgment affairs of 35% of the absolute annual profits! You heard right, AgroTechFarm will repurchase ATF tokens anniversary year to accompany up the amount or abate atrophy during dips like the one we accomplished this January.

If you ambition to apprentice added about the ICO and the ATF token this article is for you!

Wrap up

The ATF homegrower is a glassy attractive calm garden. The actuality that it is absolutely automatic makes it ideal alike for those who accept never affected clay with bald hands.

The acknowledgment advantage and adamantine cap on the advance that the aggregation is not afterward blindly the motto: the added the better. They accept a austere plan how the funds will be acclimated and do not plan to accession added funds. Something absolutely attenuate in the ICO apple area best activity do not accept a cap on the best bulk of money they appetite to raise.

Before advance accomplish abiding to your research! Check out their whitepaper and website.

If you are absorbed in the activity appear and accompany the allocution over at Telegram! The aggregation is added than accessible to acknowledgment all of your questions!