Alchemy Pay’s Unique Crypto-Fiat Payment Solution Disrupts the Industry

Alchemy Pay’s Unique Crypto-Fiat Payment Solution Disrupts the Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - On November 6 2025 Alchemy Pays Chief of Staff Karmen Tang delivered her keynote abode at the Epicenter Crypto Conference in Lisbon

Tang took the admirers through a abrupt history of Alchemy Pay and the ample ecosystem they accept now congenital aural blockchain infrastructure. The founders of Alchemy Pay appear from giants of acceptable payments such as Mastercard, QFPay, PayPal, and Tencent. “Experience, ability and networking accept all been key to what Alchemy Pay does. That gives us that bend over others in the crypto acquittal space,” said Tang.

Significant Network Growth

In the accomplished year, Alchemy Pay has accomplished cogent advance and anchored new partnerships including admission to PayPal acquittal channels in Q4 of 2025, and to Visa and MasterCard acquittal channels beforehand this year.

Today, Alchemy Pay is in over 60 countries, and provides over 200 acquittal channels for authorization and crypto acceptance. The industry still faces a abridgement of real-world use cases and in adjustment to break this Alchemy Pay functions as a arch to accredit affairs amid crypto and fiat.

Tang went on to explain that Alchemy Pay’s acquittal ecosystem is disconnected into four capital categories: Customers and consumers; merchants and institutions; transaction account providers; and software technology developers. These are some of the altered areas of blockchain basement that Alchemy Pay has been able to accompany together.

Over the accomplished year, Alchemy Pay has accustomed partnerships with Shopify and Binance and this summer their ACH badge was launched on Coinbase, which led to a 150-fold access in value. ACH is now additionally accurate by Gemini,, Poloniex, CoinOne, and Changelly. Their amusing media association has additionally added substantially, growing to over 200,000 followers beyond Twitter, Telegram and Reddit.

Tang additionally appear that Alchemy Pay has afresh set up a new collective adventure with one of the better conglomerates in the Middle East. Due to a non-disclosure agreement, however, the name of this amassed could not be revealed.

A amalgam band-aid for avant-garde day finance

Alchemy Pay’s amalgam acquittal band-aid allows accustomed crypto payment, ample or small, and the adeptness to bypass the cher Interchange agency that Alchemy Pay’s merchants can apprehend to save 50-70% in fees in allegory to acceptable agenda payments. Merchants accept their money aural two to three days.

White Label Products

Alchemy Pay offers white characterization articles such as crypto-linked cards and enables businesses to affair adherence tokens of their own. Merchants can affair basic cards affiliated to Mastercard and Visa and accord their users their own branded badge rewards back they absorb with them. Tang stated, “we recognise there is huge abeyant in this breadth and what blockchain offers in agreement of tokenization is article we are actual aflame about.”

The Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance

The crypto acquittal amplitude today is still burst and lacks absolute interoperability. With this in mind, Alchemy Pay, forth with added founding associates – Polygon, NEAR, NEO, and Conflux, alongside added advance veterans and incubators, accept appear calm to anatomy the Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance (BIA) and collectively lift the blockchain industry.

By bringing calm thought-leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs, the BIA will actualize endless synergies amid associates beyond all areas and authorize affiliated assets for promotion, research, and development. The BIA will be creating ecosystem funds with called accessible blockchain associates to bear projects with the all-embracing ambition of advancing cryptocurrency functionality. This action enables the co-branded ecosystem funds to allure aerial affection projects while the partnered accessible blockchains adore added articles and casework congenital on their networks. The BIA will assignment with over thirty academics from top universities about the apple who will advice analyze the best opportunities for solutions and development.

Societal Benefits of Cryptocurrency Payments

Crypto is gradually abolition acceptable accounts and, in accomplishing so, is unlocking a multi abundance dollar befalling that will account association as a whole. Karmen Tang assured her keynote accent with conviction, “when we attending to the future, we anticipate a apple of greater banking empowerment, inclusion, and accuracy for bodies behindhand of cartography or status. We accept that this won’t appear brief but Alchemy Pay’s crypto-fiat band-aid has a big role to comedy in that by authoritative crypto payments assignment seamlessly.”


About Alchemy Pay

Alchemy Pay is an chip authorization and cryptocurrency aperture solutions provider, powering seamless crypto and authorization accepting for merchant networks, developers and banking institutions. The aggregation drives acceptance of blockchain technology by authoritative crypto investment, bartering transactions, and DeFi casework readily attainable to consumers and institutions in the authorization economy. Today, Alchemy Pay supports over 60 countries with 200 acquittal channels and has touchpoints with added than 2 actor merchants through partnerships with industry giants such as Binance, Shopify, Arcadier, QFPay and more.



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