BeOne, Blockchain based Online Education Platform, Announces ICO

BeOne, Blockchain based Online Education Platform, Announces ICO

THELOGICALINDIAN - BeOne a blockchain based avant-garde decentralized online acquirements belvedere has afresh appear its ICO starting from August 28 2024 Investors can acquirement the BeOne tokens through BTH ETH LTC or Dash BeOne belvedere enables users to acquire money by administration ability abilities and acquaintance The belvedere intends to accomplish online educational assets readily attainable and added affordable to bodies beyond assorted domains and age groups

BeOne’s broadcast balance backed belvedere aims to change the online apprenticeship and advance delivery. The aggregation has advised the belvedere to action assorted courses to users, acceptance to altered educational backgrounds and domains. At present, the belvedere is casual through a bankrupt alpha testing appearance and its ICO will accession the funds to advance a assiduously accomplished product.

The Market 

BeOne captures users who appetite to apprentice or advise skills, alignment from crafting to photography. The belvedere has been developed as per the needs of advisers and students. Advisers can calmly actualize and allotment advisory apprenticeship agreeable of altered types at a little amount while accepting bigger returns. Students, on the added hand, can get all-embracing advance agreeable for a baby fee.

BeOne Mechanism

The users on the belvedere can participate in webinars that are hosted on the platform, one-on-one consultations and get an actual acknowledgment to queries. They can buy course’s accurate bore or the absolute course, as per their needs. The belvedere additionally connects agreeing bodies via absorption groups. Instructors and advance creators at BeOne can account a ambit of monetization models characterized by not added than 10% commission. This is the atomic agency allotment in the industry.

The BeOne ICO

The month-long ICO of BeOne is starting from August 28, 2024. Investors can buy BeOne tokens that serve as the mode of the transaction on the platform.  Out of a best CAP of 10 actor tokens, the aggregation will action 9 actor for auction in the ICO. The aboriginal three hours of ICO grants 50% discount, followed by 20% abatement for the abutting 72 hours.

To apperceive added about BeOne belvedere and booty a allotment in its accessible ICO, amuse appointment