Best Defi Interoperability Solutions - Exploring Fusion vs Cosmos vs Polkadot

Best Defi Interoperability Solutions - Exploring Fusion vs Cosmos vs Polkadot

THELOGICALINDIAN - After the acclaimed balderdash bazaar of 2024 the cryptocurrency bazaar accomplished a actual continued and acrid buck bazaar Whilst this makes for a complicated aeon for investors its not a complete tragedy alike if prices accept been black fundamentals on the added duke accept never been so able The blockchain cosmos has never been as avant-garde and aggressive and this commodity is actuality to prove it by comparing three avant-garde projects Fusion Cosmos and Polkadot

Best DeFi Interoperability Solutions

These three projects were called because they are altogether positioned to accept a above role in the blockchain amplitude of tomorrow. In accession to actuality basement projects and accepting development platforms, they are additionally specialized in interoperability, a alcove that will assuredly accept an capital role as bond mechanisms not alone amid blockchains, but, importantly, amid blockchains and acceptable finance.

This commodity will activate by talking briefly about the three projects, their goals, and what they could accompany to the blockchain amplitude if they succeed. Then, the three projects will be compared on interoperability, technology and applications, association involvement, and defi and acceptable finance. Comparing these altered aspects will assistyour analysis and advice you accomplish the appropriate decisions back abacus Defi projects to your advance portfolio.


Fusion is an interoperability activity with a primary ambition of agreement blockchain technology at the centermost of all-around finance. DJ Qian, CEO and architect of Fusion, is one of the antecedents in blockchain analysis and mining in China. He’s additionally the architect of BitSE, the incubator of acclaimed blockchain projects such as Qtum and VeChain. Fusion leverages contributions from its ample and committed community.

Fusion offers a “true” interoperability based on cryptography through its patented DCRM technology and added different abstruse concepts such as the Time-Lock function.

These abstruse accoutrement acquiesce Fusion to accept applications on a array of scales:

– On a baby scale: The unique way of staking application time-lock, or interoperability amid altered abandoned blockchains allows them to acquaint and barter abstracts and value.

– On a ample scale: By enabling blockchain applications to conduct any acceptable banking operation, the Fusion ecosystem could alike be acclimated in the case of Acute Cities; by acceptance the altered systems of a accustomed burghal to acquaint via arrangement interoperability accumulated with Multi Triggering Mechanism technology (the abutting bearing of acute contracts).


Cosmos is a agnate activity to Polkadot, specializing in interoperability, and it has a affection team. The activity aims to actualize an ecosystem that links altered siloed blockchains.

From an architectural point of view, Cosmos is composed of the Tendermint core which is accepted to all the blockchains of the network, and a blockchain development belvedere alleged “Cosmos SDK” which supports the programming accent Golang. Regarding dApps, Cosmos allows development in Solidity, through the accomplishing of Ethermint, an EVM based blockchain.

Cosmos hopes to ensure the interoperability of its arrangement through the Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. It will additionally acquiesce affiliation to alive blockchains through peg zones.


Polkadot is addition able interoperability project, its ICO one of the better ICOs in 2017, adopting $145 million. Almost $91 actor of ETH was arctic afterward the Parity Bug. It’s axiomatic that Polkadot has been through some ups and downs in its time, however, the aggregation is still committed to carrying on the project’s promises.

The Polkadot activity is accurate by a acceptable abstruse aggregation led by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum. Through its interoperability feature, Polkadot will acquiesce the alteration of abstracts and amount amid the altered blockchains of its ecosystem. It is a actual development-oriented activity and many teams have adopted to body on Substrate, Polkadot’s technology for creating Blockchains.

Polkadot is accordingly a austere adversary to Ethereum, with the Polkadot aggregation putting a lot of accomplishment into authoritative their belvedere as developer-friendly as possible.

With the capital abstraction of anniversary activity covered, let’s get beeline to business and alpha off the comparison!

The Comparison: Fusion vs Cosmos vs Polkadot


Interoperability is the key technology at the affection of this comparison; it is the alcove of all three projects so it would be absurd to analyze them after conduct bottomward on this specific aspect.

So, are there any differences amid the interoperability of Fusion, Cosmos and Polkadot?

The acknowledgment is yes, there are axiological differences. In the addition to Fusion, it was declared as accepting “true” interoperability. Well, this chat was called with reason!

Fusion offers a unique cryptographic interoperability band-aid based on DCRM (Distributed Control Rights Management). A technology that has been advised and developed by a accumulation of awful admired and apple arch cryptographers.

DCRM technology uses the LILO (Lock In – Lock out) function to administer your assets in a decentralized way. DCRM ensures the aegis of your clandestine key through two audible cryptographic mechanisms:

-Private Key Sharding: The action of sharding the clandestine key into several pieces, so that at no point in time is the key absolutely visible.

-Distributed Storage: Through sharding, the clandestine key is never absolutely visible. This is ensured by the broadcast accumulator affection (also alleged Threshold Secret Sharing), which allows for the administration of the pieces of the clandestine key amid several accidental nodes. No alteration or accumulation of clandestine key shards can action amid these nodes.

Private key sharding diagram

By application the lock-in function, your assets will be mapped, and their clandestine key will be anchored in a decentralized way by the cryptographic mechanisms ahead mentioned. You can again use your mapped assets in the Fusion ecosystem to interoperate and barter amount and abstracts with added assets (while additionally benefiting from the apartment offeatures offered by the Fusion belvedere and advised to accredit any banking operation, an aspect discussed after in this article). To “Lock-Out”, the broadcast ascendancy rights are dismantled and the ascendancy of your clandestine key is alternate to you, at this point you can again advisedly abjure your assets.

That’s how Fusion’s interoperability works in a nutshell. Now, let’s analyze Cosmos and Polkadot’s interoperability; for this allotment of the comparison, they will be aggregate calm as their concepts are absolutely similar.

Basically, the interoperability of both Cosmos and Polkadot is founded on the abstraction of a “Relay alternation and sidechains”. It is apparently added authentic to appellation this as “compatibility”, rather than interoperability. This is due to the actuality that a affinity arrangement armament the added chains of the arrangement to accept a assertive standard, makingcommunication and barter beneath adjustable and added complicated than cryptographic interoperability.

Polkadot’s affinity archetypal is based on a axial “Relay Chain” or mother chain, and chains congenital on top of it alleged “Parachains”. The chains acquaint via alternation relays, anniversary parachain can accompany the ecosystem artlessly by bonding and captivation DOTs (Polkadot’s built-in cryptocurrency). This helps to strengthen the arrangement and the assurance amid the chains. Polkadot leverages this assurance by establishing a aggregate aegis archetypal that facilitates advice and barter of abstracts and amount ​​between the altered chains.

The affinity archetypal of Cosmos Network additionally relies on a axial Hub, the Cosmos Hub and Zones (the agnate of Polkadot’s Parachains). Cosmos uses the Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) agreement to affix the axial Hub to the Zones. A affiliation amid the Cosmos Hub and a Zone does not crave Atom bill (Cosmos’ built-in cryptocurrency), but uses babyminding instead, to adjudge whether the Cosmos Hub should affix to a Zone or not.

Cosmos broadcast chain/sidechains archetypal – Source : Cosmos whitepaper

As you can see, the Cosmos and Polkadot architectonics imposes its own standards, captivation a assertive bulk of DOTs for Polkadot, and babyminding to adjudge about access for Cosmos. This is why this archetypal of advice amid chains should be advised as a “compatibility model”. Also, Cosmos does not use a aggregate aegis model: chains accept to use their own security, acceptation there will be altered levels of aegis aural the ecosystem and, as a result, assurance and advice will be abundant added complicated.

Concluding the affair on interoperability, Fusion is absolutely the champ of this round. It is a activity which offers absolute interoperability based on cryptography, and an architectonics that is absolutely decentralized, arty no accepted to the participants of its ecosystem.

2- Technology and Applications

It’s consistently important to allocution about the appearance of a Blockchain, but, in the end, if these appearance do not accompany annihilation new to the blockchain amplitude or are not acceptable to be broadly adopted they bound become meaningless. This area of the allegory focuses on the accepted access of anniversary project, attractive at how avant-garde these projects are and their absolute apple applications.

Fusion provides for accurate interoperability amid altered siloed blockchains, but it is not bound to this; the capital purpose of the activity is to articulation the blockchain amplitude to acceptable banking structures. On the added side, Cosmosand Polkadot both bazaar themselves as the “internet of blockchains”, compared to Fusions broader eyes business itself as “a cryptofinance platform”.

So, what do these differences absolutely mean? Are the three projects able to accomplish their goals?

Yes. Fusion, Cosmos, and Polkadot are all accomplished projects, their teams are awful qualified, and they accept able and committed communities to abutment them. So, yes, they can acutely accomplish their goals and accumulate their promises.

However, as you saw in the interoperability section, Cosmos and Polkadot are absolutely agnate in their concepts and in their goals. Both projects are aggravating to allure developers and projects to body on top of their blockchains, they are aggravating to accomplish their belvedere as developer-friendly as possible. They do not accompaniment it openly, but their cold is clear: to degrade Ethereum by architecture a beyond ecosystem that has beneath limits.

The ambition of Fusion is alike added ambitious, it is not bound to agreeable with an already absolute bazaar (in the aforementioned way that Cosmos and Polkadot are agreeable with Ethereum’s market). Rather, Fusion is aggravating to aggrandize the blockchain bazaar in general, and to articulation with the acceptable banking market.

In accession to interoperability, Fusion offers an aberrant technology alleged Time Lock. This agreement akin functionality makes it accessible for the actual aboriginal time to use the blockchain to backpack out time-dependent banking operations such as: loans, investments, and mortgages. These operations are facilitated by a assorted triggering apparatus (MTM) which is a affectionate of “next bearing acute contract”.

This agreement akin technology enables the accessible appliance of the time ambit aural acute contracts. It additionally makes it accessible to articulation several acute affairs in sequence, for instance a acute arrangement could be triggered by an accident that occurred in addition acute contract. Fusion can accordingly backpack out complicated banking operations such as derivatives and bonds in a defended and reliable way.

Cosmos and Polkadot additionally angle out for their blockchain development and dApps platforms. Polkadot uses the accent Rust, but additionally WebAssembly, a accent that is accurate by Google and Microsoft. Cosmos uses Golang for blockchain development and Solidity through Ethermint for dApps development.

So, back it comes to accession and absolute apple applications, Cosmos and Polkadot are added focused on blockchain development and replacing Ethereum, admitting Fusion assuredly has a beyond scope. In accession to blockchain development, the activity is architecture links amid blockchain and acceptable accounts via the accoutrement and the different technology it has developed.

Therefore, the activity that has the best avant-garde technology and added ambit is Fusion, acceptable the annular already again!

3-Community Involvement

This aspect is actual important for any project; it is capital to accept a association that is amorous about the development of the activity and its technology, a association that does not focus alone on amount variations. By abutting the three communities on Telegram, you will bound accept how able-bodied these projects are accurate by their corresponding communities.

The teams of Fusion, Polkadot, and Cosmos are acquainted of this, and assignment adamantine to achieve activity milestones, alive carefully with their communities to bear on their promises. A acceptable archetype of this would be Fusion’s open-source association campaign, a affairs that the Fusion lath uses to accolade activity development. When it comes to association involvement, all three projects are great, therefore, this annular ends in a draw.

4- Defi and acceptable finance

If you’ve apprehend this far, my assumption is that you already apperceive which activity is added focused on Defi, and yes, you’re right, it’s Fusion!

Currently, it is absurd to analyze altered projects after advertence Defi (or Decentralized Finance), a actual hot affair in the blockchain space. Cosmos and Polkadot are not Defi-oriented projects, but, aloof like Ethereum, it is accessible to actualize dApps specializing in Defi on top of their platforms.

However, back it comes to Fusion, Defi is broiled in to their protocol, thereby creating abounding added opportunities as it is a Defi-oriented interoperability project. As explained earlier, Fusion technology (DCRM, MTM and Time-Lock) makes it accessible to backpack out, via the blockchain, acceptable banking affairs such as: borrowing, lending, derivatives, mortgages, and more.

Fusion is already afresh the champ back it comes to Defi.

Market Position

The majority of bodies complex in blockchain are accurately assertive that this technology will change tomorrow’s world. By advance in the ICO of a project, abnormally alive the risks associated with ICOs, an broker proves that they supports this accurate activity and believes in the bluntness of the team. This is additionally the case back the bread is on the bazaar and investors buy it from an exchange. It makes absolute faculty to achievement that this advance generates abiding profits for aboriginal participants.

Comparing the three projects that we are discussing in this article, the bearings is somewhat interesting. According to Coinmarketcap Cosmos is currently amidst the top 30 cryptocurrencies by bazaar capitalization. Polkadot is not on the bazaar yet, but it will added than acceptable be in the top 20 anon afterwards its advertisement on exchanges. Most hasty of all, however, is Fusion’s actual low bazaar cap – aloof incredible!

It should be acclaimed that in the cryptocurrency market, aggregate can change overnight, and an undervalued activity can bound actual to its accurate bazaar cap, acceptation it is accessible this bearings may be temporary.

Fusion’s currently low bazaar cap can be apparent as accompanying acceptable and bad news. Bad account because the bazaar seems blind of this aberrant project, but acceptable account in that it’s awful undervalued.

As always, amuse do your own due diligence, however, advance in Fusion absolutely has the abeyant for massive allotment and it can be argued that of these three projects, Fusion has the greatest abeyant for activity alteration gains.


Cosmos and Polkadot are acutely abeyant competitors for Ethereum, although their platforms are added developer-friendly than Ethereum’s, acceptation they may booty allotment of Ethereum’s bazaar in the years to come. However, on the downside, their interoperability band-aid is not acceptable for projects that would appetite be allotment of their ecosystems.

Fusion, on the added hand, is an abundantly absorbing project. It offers an interoperability based on cryptography and is accordingly actual acceptable for projects and users of its ecosystem. Fusion additionally has abundant broader ambitions than Cosmos and Polkadot; it is a Defi-oriented activity and it is targeting a bigger bazaar by aggravating to articulation blockchains to acceptable accounts through the different technology of DCRM, Time-Lock, and MTM.

Finally, to an broker who has done some analysis and compared the accepted bazaar cap of these projects and the technologies they offer, it should be bright that Fusion has abundant added upside abeyant than both Cosmos and Polkadot.



Fusion website :

Fusion whitepaper : White Paper.pdf


Polkadot website :

Polkadot whitepaper :


Cosmos website :
Cosmos whitepaper :

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