Blockchain Technology Can Revolutionize the eSports Industry

Blockchain Technology Can Revolutionize the eSports Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - One of the fastest growing markets in the apple is the eSports industry Assuming the 700 actor acquirement bump for 2024 holds accurate the industry will accept apparent an anniversary acquirement advance amount of 40a absolutely arresting accomplishment Whats added acquirement estimates for 2024 are at an amazing 15 billion apery a amount over ten times the acquirement in 2024



However, not aggregate is rose-colored in the eSports industry. Starting and managing a acknowledged eSports club is by no means a airing in the park, and the abridgement of a compatible action or anatomy could serve as a chokepoint for the industry’s approaching success. Just as with all advancing ventures, the eSports association needs to get accomplished its growing pains if it wants to see the success its pundits accept forecasted.

Blockchain Forever

In adjustment to advice the industry aggrandize and optimize as a all-around force, some are alive on a blockchain powered belvedere that will accumulate the eSports application and administration process. In accomplishing so, the industry could abound at an alike added accelerated pace, creating abundance for gaming teams and accouterment ball to an ever-growing audience. DreamTeam is one aggregation who wants to accommodate the eSports industry by creating a decentralized belvedere utilizing blockchain technology and acute contracts.

The belvedere creates a exchange area amateurs and professionals akin can acquisition players, coaches, and teams to collaborate with. It aloof takes a few account to chase and acquisition added users, as the belvedere allows for anniversary alone to actualize a contour with specific searchable fields.

The belvedere additionally creates a way for coaches to anatomy teams, administer their players, and run abstracts analytics on achievement and accessible matches. Successful teams can acquire sponsorships, participate in media sales, and win award-winning money for competitions. The accession of convenance matches and tournaments provides teams with a one-stop-shop for the absolute eSports industry.

The blockchain technology powering the belvedere ensures that all banking affairs that action on the platform–from award-winning money administration to amateur salaries–are defended and transparent. All fund-flows are accessible to the public, but anthology advice and claimed abstracts stays encrypted and secure. Additionally, the belvedere accouterments a distinct token, the DreamTeam token, for all of its features. This badge becomes the sole agency of transaction beyond the absolute platform, streamlining processes and enabling the use of acute affairs for all banking exchanges.

For example, the blockchain belvedere allows a aggregation to set account business goals for its manager, achievement KPIs for its coach, and addition goals for its players. By application acute contracts, the aggregation can authorize a way for the corresponding parties to accept bonuses based on affair their KPIs. The use of acute affairs additionally prohibits bribery and manipulation, as the affairs will self-actualize if and alone if the KPIs are met.

Bright Future

The aggregation abaft the activity is itself a dream team, boasting of eSports’ best able and accomplished advising board, including ESL (formerly Electronic Sports League) CEO Ralf Reicheryt. With hundreds of years accumulated acquaintance in the eGaming and blockchain industries, the aggregation has positioned itself able-bodied to accouterment any approaching obstacles.

DreamTeam’s platform, admitting in its baby stages, already has over 50,000 users and is assured addition 100,000 to accompany by the end of the year. This will accomplish DreamTeam the fastest growing eSports basement belvedere anytime created. Even better, DreamTeam’s users are award that the chip belvedere allows them to antecedent teammates and actualize crews abundant added easily. The belvedere is proving to be a success both in agreement of acceptance and implementation.

DreamTeam additionally afresh appear account of its partnership with Xsolla, a all-around gaming distributor, and publisher. This affiliation will accredit the DreamTeam badge to become one of the amount cryptocurrency acquittal methods offered by Xsolla. It additionally marks the DreamTeam as the aboriginal anytime eSports activity to action its bill to pay for alien services. The cardinal affiliation is inline with DreamTeam’s llong-termgoal of actuality the primary cryptocurrency of the eSports industry.

Those that appetite to advance in DreamTeam’s belvedere and the approaching success of the all-around eSports industry can do so by abutting DreamTeam’s token sale. The auction will activate on December 11, 2017, and run for three canicule until December 14.