Cappasity Is Launching the “CAPP for Spin” Contest

Cappasity Is Launching the “CAPP for Spin” Contest

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cappasity is the arch belvedere for creating embedding and affairs 3D agenda assets

As it is up to agreeable creators to drive a 3D revolution, Cappasity solves the botheration of creating and embedding 3D and AR/VR agreeable in an affordable way, giving the creators a cutting-edge tool. The belvedere uses blockchain basement to abundance and administer 3D agenda assets copyrights.

CAPP badge is issued both to abundance the agenda asset rights and as a acquittal band-aid for the Cappasity ecosystem.

And now Cappasity is ablution the “CAPP for Spin” contest!

CAPP for Spin is a challenge meant to appearance a association of agreeing artistic individuals, acquisitive to drive 3D reinvention.

5 participants with the better cardinal of votes are affirmed to accept absorbing CAPP badge prizes.

Win the better CAPP badge award-winning in aloof 4 accessible steps:

Take all the accomplish declared aloft afore September 20 and win!

You can analysis out the competition, adore your own column on the challenge page and while you are at it try to handpick the winners. To vote, you would charge CAPP tokens and a wallet for storage, which you can actualize on a appropriate page. We will authority tokens in your annual for 1 month, and you will be able to abjure them later.

Everyone whose vote accurately identifies the winners will accept 100 CAPP to their wallet.

To apprentice added about the challenge and its’ rules acquisition an all-embracing overview on the Cappasity Medium blog. Challenge folio –

If you have a advancement or aloof appetite to chat, do not alternate to acquisition us on Telegram, and if you are analytical about the behind-the-scenes, accord our blog on Medium a try area we accessible up about what we do and how we do it every footfall of the way.

September 2018 is activity to be abnormally abounding of contest to accumulate beside of, as we barrage a new website as a allotment of Cappasity rebranding action and accomplished tune our latest project.

On September 12 & 13, we will be cat-and-mouse for you at DMEXCO, the affair abode and a association for key players in the calendar business, marketing, and innovation, that brings calm industry leaders, business and media professionals, and tech antecedents to set the calendar agenda.

You will ascertain aggregate about 3D artefact imaging and Cappasity’s AI-based 3D analytic apparatus for 3D images, that helps retailers to accept abeyant customers’ behavior and preferences. Cappasity.AI advance the way abeyant barter collaborate with 3D images of articles anchored into retailers’ websites and provides admired insights to addition sales.

See you at the berth E033 (Hall 06)!