ChronoBank partners with Lykke Exchange

ChronoBank partners with Lykke Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - ChronoBank a blockchainbased action aimed at abolition the shortterm application area has appear a affiliation with adaptable wallet and trading enterpriseLykke acceptance users to barter ChronoBanks tokens for added currencies frictionlessly

ChronoBank, which is currently captivation its crowdfund, has so far aloft over 3,000 BTC for business and development. It will affix administration with those gluttonous work, disintermediating the labour-hire area in the aforementioned way that Uber disrupted the auto business. Employees will accept Labour Hour (LH) tokens, which can be bought and awash by companies to defended able services, and by crypto traders who appetite to barrier their balance in a stable, inflation-proof token.


Trading of LH tokens, which will be issued on assorted blockchains, will booty abode on ChronoBank’s decentralised LaborX exchange. Both LH tokens and the TIME token, which will be broadcast to ICO investors, will accompanying be listed at the Lykke Exchange. Lykke, a Swiss fintech aggregation committed to architecture a all-around exchange for trading all classes of banking assets on the blockchain, will additionally be a cardinal abstruse accomplice in the conception of LaborX.

Fintech partnership

Lykke, a agenda barter for all classes of asset, was started by Richard Olsen – ahead architect and CEO of forex belvedere OANDA. Lykke is a new but rapidly-growing belvedere that allows users to barter authorization currencies, cryptocurrencies and cryptographic tokens application either an iOS or Android device. There is a able accent on user acquaintance and a low barrier to entry. ‘One of the affidavit we’re captivated to be partnering with Lykke is that charge to authoritative cryptocurrency attainable to new users,’ comments ChronoBank CEO, Sergei Sergienko. ‘Since we are attractive at mass-market applications for crypto tokens, it promises to be a actual advantageous partnership.’

The barter accuse no fees and is revolutionising the apple of accounts through the use of alleged ‘colored coins’ – crypto tokens which can represent real-world assets from bonds to gold, but which achieve on the bitcoin blockchain in minutes. Lykke, which is a affiliate of the Hyperledger project, has already gone accessible on its own barter and is currently architecture enterprise-scale solutions for ample banking institutions.

For added advice about ChronoBank or to participate in the crowdfund, visit