Edgeless Introduces Revolutionary Transparent 0% Online Gambling

Edgeless Introduces Revolutionary Transparent 0% Online Gambling

THELOGICALINDIAN - The fastgrowing 46B in 2024 online bank industry has a botheration TRANSPARENCY In 2024 all online casinos accept abounding ability to bluff adjoin their own players They can do it calmly after actuality spotted It is additionally difficult for the bank to prove back they are not cheating This creates a massive botheration for online bank and casts a adumbration on the industrys reputation

The new blockchain based bank Edgeless.io is planning to change this.

“There is no way of alive what happens central the bank servers and how the mechanisms are programmed” says Tomas Draksas, able charlatan and co-founder of Edgeless.io, a aggregation that promises complete accuracy and a 0% abode bend casino. “Casinos can be calmly chic for a huge abode edge. We appetite to change that by alms cryptocurrency based bank mechanics that anyone can analysis to see that we are not accouterment the bold and don’t accept a abode edge” Draksas continues.

The botheration is real. The Wizard of Odds blog about the online bank industry has so far black-listed over 50 online casinos. These platforms accept been bent cheating in abounding altered ways, including accouterment the outcome, bootless win payouts, delayed funds withdrawals and abounding more. Bitcoin casinos are no better: case of acclaimed bitcoin bank bent cheating.

“It is alarming how calmly online bank can be rigged. With a few tweaks to programming code, the owners can calmly access the casino’s advantage in their own favor” states Tomas Draksas, Edgeless.io co-founder . “I accept that abounding above online casinos are abusing their power. For the account of bigger bank acquaintance and industry growth, casinos charge be decentralised”.

Edgeless.io was founded aftermost year by a accumulation of blockchain and bank experts based in Germany and Lithuania. First, the aggregation activated markets with a absolutely cellophane slotmachine called etherslots.win and the aboriginal success has now led to the barrage of the aboriginal transparent, 0% abode bend online bank – Edgeless.io.  

“0% abode bend on our amateur will complete absolutely arguable for best bodies and that’s the acumen why we action these games. Using blockchain we can additionally accomplish it acutely profitable” Says Tomas Draksas. “We additionally accept affairs for added amateur and sports action – aggregate will be fair and transparent, that’s our motto” he continues.

Edgeless is based on accepted blockchain technology alleged Ethereum,  which enables the use of smart-contracts that anyone can audit. Usually casinos action a “Fairness Check”, but that has not chock-full these platforms from cheating, as a lot can be done abaft the scenes at the server level. Blockchain-based acute affairs are absolutely cellophane and players can be 100% abiding that no one is aggravating to betray them.

Edgeless.io bank is activity alive in few months and afore that, the aggregation is adopting funds through a new crowdfunding adjustment alleged Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

On the ICO, supporters can buy agenda tokens that assignment as an in-game bill and affidavit of membership. Each ages EDG badge holders can again comedy a appropriate action to win 40% of the aggregation profits.

“We are breaking new arena actuality with affiliate benefits. Our engineers accept formed adamantine on a Game of Profits-lottery that is accessible for all our badge holders” says Ignas Mangevicius, CTO and co-founder of Egeless.io.

The crowdfunding attack will alpha on 28th of February 2017, 3:00pm GMT and the ambition is to accession 360 000 ETH by affairs Edgeless tokens for bank enthusiasts. More advice about the ICO on https://edgeless.io/