everiToken Conferred Blockchain Project of the Year Honor by the Southeast Asia Blockchain Alliance

everiToken Conferred Blockchain Project of the Year Honor by the Southeast Asia Blockchain Alliance

THELOGICALINDIAN - Asia is a arresting bazaar for cryptocurrency and blockchain applications and accurately there are affluence of projects that accept taken off in the arena attempting to break a array of industry issues One such activity is everiToken which afresh won the Blockchain Activity of the Year accolade from the Southeast Asia Blockchain Alliance The accolade acknowledges the projects architecture abstraction and key innovations which are arena a acute allotment in analytic the problems of aerial development beginning continued development aeon and poor security

everiToken, award, blockchain, southeast asia

The everiToken activity has been in the account added times than one can guess, due to its collaborations and cardinal partnerships with assorted public, clandestine and government entities. At the aforementioned time, the affluence of development and deployment of decentralized applications on the everiToken activity is additionally said to accept played a above role in enabling the aggregation to acquire the honor.

Based out of Jakarta, Indonesia, the Southeast Asia Blockchain Alliance is an all-embracing alignment accurate by assorted government bodies like ASEAN Technology Development Center, Indonesian Bread-and-butter Coordination Department, Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs and more. Through this initiative, the arena has admiring affluence of accomplished teams borer into huge bread-and-butter development opportunities in Southeast Asia. The acceptance acquired by everiToken is accepted to advice the activity barter advice and allotment assets with Southeast Asian companies and enterprises for accelerated development and appliance of blockchain technology to accommodated their needs.

A Huge Market Opportunity

The attitude appear Distributed Ledger Technologies is predominantly absolute in Southeast Asia, with favorable agreement of policies, and added accidental amusing and bread-and-butter factors. Given that there is bound assimilation of internet and cyberbanking solutions in the region, everiToken can potentially ambition a actual huge bazaar with its blockchain based acquittal solutions. The basal everiPay agreement is able of processing payments aural abnormal and it can readily abutment PoS machines, code-scanning guns, Bluetooth, NFC, and added broadly acclimated acquittal modes. In addition, by application everiToken over added cryptocurrency-based acquittal solutions, merchants don’t accept to anguish about aerial arrangement fees in the anatomy of GAS or agnate on Ethereum and added blockchains respectively.

The everiToken activity is abundant added than a blockchain based acquittal solution. It can be acclimated for a ambit of applications beyond industry segments area accomplishing of blockchain technology is feasible. Few examples of such applications accommodate acute aperture locks, acute factories, absolute estate, gaming, biking etc., area everiToken can accommodate connected high-security solutions at low development costs and abbreviate development cycles.  The belvedere has already entered into cardinal cooperation agreements with acclaimed names like HWG Group, Midas Protocol, everiPixel, LIYING, Cambodia Absolute Estate, etc.

The anew becoming acceptance accumulated with cardinal partnerships are set to fast clue the activity to acclaim as everiToken’s solutions adapt to access the bazaar and empower bounded enterprises.

Learn added about everiToken at – https://www.everitoken.io/