First Global Credit Announces New Bitcoin Trading Competition

First Global Credit Announces New Bitcoin Trading Competition

THELOGICALINDIAN - Now that bitcoin is already afresh trading over 300 abounding feel there is acceptable acumen to adhere assimilate a continued position in the bill But if you accept bitcoins wouldnt it be abundant if you could authority assimilate them while accompanying application them to cull in alike added accumulation First Global Credit a agenda abridgement advance aggregation is hosting a trading antagonism on their belvedere to acquiesce new traders to acquaintance their casework and abduction the accumulation opportunities accessible in the common banal markets application the amount stored in their bitcoins Traders absorbed in pitting their abilities adjoin added traders can assurance up now for a chargeless affirmation annual to accustom themselves with the belvedere so they will be accessible for THE 100 BITCOIN TRADING COMPETITION which begins on November 23 2024


The competition, runs on First Global Credit’s cardboard trading platform. The belvedere simulates both banal bazaar trading as able-bodied as trading bitcoins adjoin authorization currencies.


Each amateur is accustomed a antagonism annual loaded with 100 convenance bitcoins and has chargeless rein to accept from over 200 stocks and 4 authorization currencies to barter over a aeon of four weeks.  To aroma up the competition, those 100 bitcoins can be leveraged up to 5 times their amount on the Banal Trading Platform and alert their amount on the Currency Switch Platform abrogation allowance for big wins and big reversals too. Antagonism profits are alternate to the contestants annual in bitcoins and at the end of the antagonism the three traders with the best profits will win a alive absolutely adjourned trading annual and access into First Global’s Star Trading Program. Each alive award-winning annual will accord the champ the adeptness to barter the amount of up to 10 bitcoins account of banal and currencies. But as time goes on, associates of the Star Trading Program accomplish added money while their adeptness to barter added banal increases and they accept added profit.

The aboriginal champ of the arrive three will be the banker who makes the best accumulation from banal trading on the antagonism platform. The additional champ will be the being who makes the best accumulation from trading bitcoins adjoin authorization currency. The final award-winning champ will be accomplished banker who has the better bitcoin accumulation from trading both stocks and currencies. And that is one of the different credibility of the Aboriginal Global Credit platform. While deposited bitcoins are acclimated as allowance to accounts banal trading, they can accompanying be traded adjoin authorization bill after closing banal positions.

The cardboard trading belvedere mirrors the alive belvedere application absolute time bazaar prices and the aforementioned fees, so the antagonism emulates a absolute trading environment. Marcie Terman, Communications Director commented “There’s addition acumen First Global Credit is absorbed in award the best and brightest bitcoin traders. Antagonism winners will accompany winners from antecedent competitions in our Star Trader Group.” She continued, “Post competition, as Star Traders aggregate profits over time and there will be added allowances that we will accompany on band in 2024.”


Aaron Welton, a champ from August 2024, is a adviser from the United Kingdom who had no above-mentioned acquaintance in trading stocks and currencies.  This was Aaron’s additional antagonism with Aboriginal Global Credit.  At the end of the four anniversary competition, Aaron had developed his aboriginal portfolio advance to a accumulation of about 624 bitcoins.  “The award-winning was an allurement both times I entered.” Aaron said in an account afterward the August competition.  “I was aghast with my achievement in the aboriginal antagonism so aloft entering the additional time I capital to be prepared. I accepted trading Altcoins, I capital to accept the aforementioned akin of ability about stocks and banal trading.”  Read more…

Also declared a champ in the August antagonism was Barry Goers, a able hockey amateur from the United States.  Barry acquaint a accumulation of about 140 bitcoins during the four anniversary period.  Barry is acutely absolute about the approaching of bitcoins and sees the abeyant of application them to accomplish a return. He says, “It is actual important that bitcoin has all of the capabilities of added currencies. Now, bodies can absolutely advance with their bitcoin, and absolutely use it to abound their money instead of artlessly ambuscade it in a algid wallet or something.” Read more…

Visit the First Global Credit Facebook page or chase them on Twitter to accumulate tabs on the best players and column your comments about how your trading action is going.

Full capacity of the antagonism rules are accessible on the First Global Credit website (add URL). Potential contestants are encouraged to actualize a cardboard trading annual anon to activate convenance trading above-mentioned to the absolute antagonism alpha date by visiting the  competition page and beat on the registration link.