The ICO of Havven, A Decentralized Stablecoin Payment Network Successfully Closed, Raises USD 30 Million!

The ICO of Havven, A Decentralized Stablecoin Payment Network Successfully Closed, Raises USD 30 Million!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Havven a decentralized abiding bread acquittal arrangement has auspiciously accomplished its adamantine CAP of USD30 actor in its ICO alike afore its catastrophe date of March 6 2024 The aggregation has bidding its acknowledgment for such a abundant acknowledgment apparent by the participants and appear that the tokens will be broadcast to auction and airdrop participants by March 16 2024

About Havven

Havven, a Sydney-based ICO, connects accessory holders with bodies gluttonous for low volatility, thereby creating an incentive-based different bazaar for stability. Accessory holders get rewards back users transact in stablecoin, as a advantage for staking the system. Havven is based on a decentralized acquittal arrangement and a stablecoin. The stablecoin is the cryptocurrency developed for amount adherence and to be acclimated aural the Havven’s ecosystem.

With this platform, Havven intends to advance a decentralized acquittal arrangement congenital on a stablecoin that is able to abduction all the advantages of a permission-less arrangement while eliminating volatility.

How Does the Platform Work?

Havven addresses one of the better challenges in the cryptocurrency industry, and that is volatility. Havven badge holders can affair a accessory badge denominated in USD. This locks the amount of the stablecoin to the USD.

Those application the stablecoin, pay fees to those who collateralize the network, compensating them for the risks of accouterment accessory and stability. Through this marketplace, the accessory providers get a ascendancy over money supply, while the fees are broadcast on the base of the stabilization achievement of anniversary individual. Havven uses this ecosystem to accolade suppliers of adherence while charging those ambitious stability. It leads to a counterbalanced stabecloin ecosystem.

The Two Linked Tokens

Havven operates the declared apparatus via two affiliated tokens:

It is the stablecoin of the Havven platform. The accumulation of stablecoin floats. Its price, affected in authorization currency, charge abide same. The badge is developed to assignment as a added adult average of exchange. Hence, afar from amount stability, Havven additionally brings abundant Nomin liquidity.

It is the badge that offers accessory for the system. It has a anchored supply. Its bazaar assets demonstrates the accumulated amount of the system. Badge holders get the appropriate to affair a amount of Nomins proportional to the USD amount of Havven captivated into escrow. If the badge holder wants to affair their escrowed Havven, he or she charge aboriginal present the arrangement with the Nomins ahead issued. Havven tokens accept been awash in Havven’s afresh bankrupt ICO.

The Core Features of the Platform

Havven aims to advance a stablecoin to be acclimated as a reliable holder of amount for all-around money transfers and payments. The amount appearance and allowances include:

The ICO Token Sale

The Havven badge auction started on February 28, 2024, and was declared to end by March 6, 2024. However, the ICO has bankrupt afresh as the aggregation auspiciously aloft USD 30 million, the adamantine CAP set for ICO.  Total 100 actor Havvens were created, out of which 60 actor went to badge sale, 20 actor to aggregation and advisors, 12 actor to the Foundation, 5 actor to partnerships and 3 actor to business and bounties.

To apperceive added about the belvedere and participate in accessory badge trading, amuse appointment or admission the Official White Paper.

You can acquaint with the aggregation on Telegram and Twitter or apprehend the Blog for the latest happenings.