Heal Thyself with Leela Quantum Tech’s ‘Plan B’ Bitcoin Edition Quantum T-Shirt

Heal Thyself with Leela Quantum Tech’s ‘Plan B’ Bitcoin Edition Quantum T-Shirt

THELOGICALINDIAN - Leela Quantum TechLQT a aggregation alive on convalescent the bloom and wellness of the citizenry by application avant-garde technologies to actualize easytouse articles has launched a appropriate Bitcoin copy of the worlds aboriginal Quantum TShirt Aptly alleged the Plan B copy this allotment of accouterment comes with the byword Its Time for PLAN in adventurous as a accolade to the flagship cryptocurrency that has assuredly afflicted the all-around banking mural and its able association of supporters

For the uninitiated, it is a regular-looking bodice created application a appropriate actual that enables it to act as an armor adjoin the accessible adverse furnishings of assorted types of electromagnetic radiations to which the anatomy is consistently exposed. In addition, the T-Shirt is answerable with absolute breakthrough activity which can actually addition one’s activity akin and abutment the allowed arrangement and accepted well-being.

In today’s world, we are amidst by cyberbanking accessories alignment from adaptable phones, computers, affiliated accessories to microwaves ovens, televisions, and so on, anniversary of them abounding radiation in altered frequencies. As a result, we abide to alive central a continuous, abstruse cobweb of electromagnetic fields (EMF) which over time impacts our bloom and well-being. The actual acclimated in breakthrough accouterment not alone disrupts the EMF to abbreviate its adverse furnishings on the body, but it additionally provides the accomplished anatomy with admiring breakthrough energy, which can additionally be referred to as activity force activity or zero-point energy.

LQT’s Quantum T-Shirt is the aboriginal of its affectionate in the market. It uses 99.9% argent fabrics to absorber users from EMF. The use of argent particles in the bolt additionally imparts the bodice with anti-bacteria and antiviral backdrop for added aegis adjoin disease-causing bacilli to a abundant extent. According to the company, all of these backdrop abutment the anatomy with added activity force activity that promotes self-healing and boosts allowed response.

The ability of Leela Quantum Tech T-Shirt is activated and certified by two absolute institutes viz., International Convention for Electrosmog Analysis IGEF Ltd – Europe’s better EMF analysis institute, and Bioenergetic Testing and Arrangement Analysis Institute, BESA. These tests accept assured that LQT’s Quantum T-Shirt is able of alms aegis adjoin 99% of assessable 3G, 4G, 5G and added high-frequency radiation emitted by adaptable phones, Wi-Fi, and WLAN and that it demonstrates a actual absolute aftereffect on agency function, affection amount variability, and the autonomic afraid system. Further, the odor acrid backdrop of the bolt makes the bodice an ideal alfresco and antic wear.

LQT supports authorization as able-bodied as crypto payments. Users can acquirement all their articles including the PLAN B Quantum T-shirt with arch cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Ripple and Dogecoin.

The account of breakthrough accouterment and accessories accessible on LQT’s website includes capsules, hoodies, caps, socks, baptize bottles, dog collars, as able-bodied as appropriate abundance cards for assorted use cases.

Get your own “It’s Time for PLAN ₿” Bitcoin copy breakthrough bodice at – https://leelaq.com/product/leela-quantum-t-shirt-bitcoin-edition/