Hear from CZ: Our Approach to User Protection and Proactive Compliance

Hear from CZ: Our Approach to User Protection and Proactive Compliance

THELOGICALINDIAN - Were consistently attractive to body a bigger Binance As allotment of our eyes to access the abandon of money about the apple were captivation ourselves to the accomplished standards back it comes to attention our users and blockage aloft the evolving authoritative mural Heres what you charge to apperceive about our latest initiatives as we abide to apparatus all-around acquiescence programs to body a acceptable aisle advanced for the crypto industry

Four years ago, we launched Binance with a simple yet constant vision: to access the abandon of money for bodies about the world. Our access was simple: to focus unwaveringly on our users and consistently act in their best interests. This user-focused access resonated with a assorted and all-around audience, giving us a adventitious to body one of the industry’s better and best amorous crypto communities.

Much has afflicted back we aboriginal started our journey. Today’s crypto industry is no best the beginning acreage that primarily admiring tech-savvy aboriginal adopters and abstract participants. Traditional institutions and longtime holdouts are now exploring or alms crypto casework of their own. Adoption is aggressive all over the world, powered by a aggregate of balderdash markets and innovation. Despite these developments, our goals at Binance abide the same: We appetite to advice accompany crypto to added bodies about the world.

Today’s acquiescence and authoritative mural marks a celebrated moment for the blockchain and crypto industry. Like all avant-garde industries that accept appear afore it, from accomplishment and pharmaceuticals to Big Tech and ridesharing, the blockchain and crypto industry is now extensive a analytical new date of development.

We see the authoritative action as an amazing befalling for proactive companies like Binance to pave the way advanced for the industry. We durably accept that by alive alongside regulators and policymakers to advance bright authoritative and acknowledged frameworks, agreeable in alive self-regulation and putting our users aboriginal by attention their interests, we can advice acceptable the abutting billion users to the apple of crypto.

I would like to booty this befalling to allotment some of the alive accomplish we are demography to appearance our able-bodied acquiescence affairs and assure our users.

Compliance and cooperation go hand-in-hand. In abounding ways, they resemble two abandon of the aforementioned coin: you can’t accept one after the other.

The action of acquiescence requires proactive players aural the industry to appear calm with regulators and policymakers to body rules and operating frameworks, adapt the industry’s ethics and actualize a foundation for acceptable growth.

In this regard, we accept committed to the following:

Alongside our austere acquiescence initiatives, we acquisition added means to assure users to ensure they accept the crypto acquaintance they deserve. I’m appreciative to say that from the beginning, we accept consistently taken our albatross as an ecosystem provider actively back it comes to attention the interests of our users.

“cooling-off” abeyance features, we actively admonish users to exercise attention back trading.

These are aloof a few of our advancing initiatives we’re alive on, as we advocate our charge to authoritative acquiescence and user protection. As I’ve said in my previous open letter, we at Binance are attractive advanced to allowance accomplish acceptable advance for the industry. By continuing our assignment with regulators and policymakers, and authoritative every accomplishment to assure our users and put their interests first, I’m assured we will acceleration to the break and accommodated the moment, allowance access the abandon of money for added bodies about the world.


Binance CEO and Founder