HUMAN Protocol (HMT) Announces Listing on Bitfinex

HUMAN Protocol (HMT) Announces Listing on Bitfinex

THELOGICALINDIAN - September 16th 2024 0900 UTC The HUMAN Protocol Foundation the aggregation abaft HUMAN Protocol accept appear today that the Protocols built-in account badge HMT is listed on Bitfinex

Bitfinex is one of the crypto world’s bequest exchanges. It consistently performs as one of the highest ranked exchanges, demography into annual trading volume, liquidity, website visits, and accordant authorization currencies (USD, EUR, etc.) It offers users advanced trading tools, and high-quality chump service.

“We are captivated to accompany our association admission to HMT on such a celebrated exchange,” said Haryjot Singh, Director of Technology at the HUMAN Protocol Foundation. “Bitfinex is one of the accomplished affection crypto exchanges, one of the bequest platforms that offers users a capital trading experience. We are already advantageous to assignment with some top exchanges, and we achievement Bitfinex offers our users addition abundant befalling to collaborate with HMT.”

HMT bankrupt the CoinList almanac for the cardinal of participants in an ICO, abacus 63,000 new stakeholders to the HUMAN community. HMT is the built-in account badge of HUMAN Protocol, acceptation assignment is paid for in HMT. All casework aural the network, such as abstracts sanitation and affection analysis of responses, are additionally adored in HMT.

“As the use of HMT increases, both in and alfresco the HUMAN ecosystem, it is important that it additionally becomes added accessible. With anniversary listing, we access the apportionment of the token, and ensure it charcoal attainable to those requesting work, and adorable to both Workers and those commutual roles aural the network,” said Haryjot.

Deposits for HMT on Bitfinex accessible at 09:00 UTC on September 20th, and trading opens the afterward day, on the 21st, at 09:00 UTC.


About HUMAN Protocol

HUMAN Protocol is an basement to abutment the automatic administration and acquittal of a broadcast workforce, alive to complete any affectionate of task. A workforce can be any basin of workers that contributes value, paid for the assignment they do, whether big or small. The Protocol is decentralized, trustless, and, because it runs on the blockchain, it can automate the lifecycle of a job through acute contracts, while alms microtransactions for microwork. It has the abeyant to actualize new markets, and innovate old ones, as approved by the aboriginal job bazaar on the Protocol: a permissionless, automatic bazaar for abstracts labeling, alms ML practitioners a adventitious to abbey bigger datasets, and Workers to acquire for labeling data.

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