Mankoff Company Discuss Blockchain’s Impact on Financial Markets

Mankoff Company Discuss Blockchain’s Impact on Financial Markets

THELOGICALINDIAN - In an accessible console altercation to be captivated in both New York and London The Mankoff Company a business consultancy will be absorption on how blockchain is impacting the banking bazaar abode and what opportunities are there for investors as able-bodied as the acceptable advance community

“We’ve been audition a lot about blockchain” said Stacey Mankoff, managing Principal of The Mankoff Company,” and there is a attempt aural the banking association to actuate ‘a) what it can do; b) what the regulators say about it and c) can it aching or advice us?’ – this is what we’re attractive to abode in the console sessions.”

With the business affidavit acclamation blockchain on a circadian basis, including best afresh the Financial Times advertence “Blockchain promises back-office balance revolution, these programs could not be timelier. The two contest will be exploring issues complex with blockchain with the NYC accident decidedly absorption on the agenda acquittal perspective.

With blockchain technology actuality activated as a broadcast ledger, this opens up a host of questions for those entering the space. The two console sessions, captivated afterwards trading hours to aerate the appearance from the FinTech community, will be 24 November in London and 1 December in New York City.

Experts from companies and organizations including Setl, VISA – Europe, Epiphyte, R3 CEV and added will be discussing the aloft issues as able-bodied as an account of the basal technology, broadcast balance technology and its appliance to the payments industry; area are the agenda acquittal mechanisms activity and what are the new opportunities; Public vs. Private blockchains; Gaining buy-in and acceptance from the consumer, the banker and the banks; how does Blockchain acquiesce for bigger traceability and auditing; area do the regulators angle on this technology and how will that appulse growth; cardinal partnerships and how start-ups in this amplitude are leveraging the technology.

For added advice on these events, amuse appointment here for NYC and here for London./-