Meet SKYFChain at CRYPTO TIMES Night #1 in Tokyo

Meet SKYFChain at CRYPTO TIMES Night #1 in Tokyo

THELOGICALINDIAN - On 8 May 2024 theres a different adventitious to accommodated SKYFChain at CRYPTO TIMES Night 1 in Tokyo It is the aboriginal affair accident of the CRYPTO TIMES a cryptocurrency web media in Japan launched in February 2024 SKYFChain blockchain belvedere assembly will be present for a appropriate angle and allocution affair with Carciel an aerospace and aegis consulting firm

CRYPTO TIMES is ablution a alternation of contest based on assorted themes, agreeable the best able companies and the best important influencers in the field. The aboriginal accident is captivated with the affair of “cutting bend technology”.

SKYFChain, the aboriginal B2R (Business-to-Robots) operating belvedere of its affectionate meant for unmanned burden logistics, based on the blockchain technology of acute affairs is the key bedfellow of the CRYPTO TIMES Night #1.

SKYFchain is an accessible blockchain belvedere for befitting clue of the contest in life-cycles of burden robots. The capital apparatus of the belvedere are the clandestine blockchain, basic acquittal gateways on Ethereum, and ERC-20 tokens (on Ethereum as well). Each transaction to a apprentice can be recorded on the platform, accouterment complete accuracy of affairs while enabling automatic ecology of the affection of services, agile activity capacity, assembly licenses, allowance premiums, and abounding added indicators. Each almanac on the belvedere has its own cost, depending on the type, abundance and the complication of it. Affairs are denominated in acceptable currencies for the customer’s convenience.

The appropriate angle of SKYFChain and SKYFChain x Carciel allocution affair stands as the capital calendar of the CRYPTO TIMES Night #1. Carciel Inc. is actuality represented by Kohei Ando, the CEO of this aerospace and aegis consulting firm. Kohei Ando has over 25 years of representation of Logram and is a adumbrative of Japan annex of this French headlight company.

About SKYF 

SKYF is an unmanned aeriform belvedere for vertical abandonment and landing. It allows the development of unmanned aeriform cartage with assorted modifications, to break assorted problems, from burden acumen and acreage processing to blaze extinguishing. At the moment, the accustomed accommodation of the belvedere is up to 250 kg, the flight ambit is up to 350 km, the flight continuance is up to 8 hours.

The developer of SKYF belvedere is ARDN Technology, an engineering aggregation created by a accumulation of Russian investors. The capital development appointment is amid in Kazan.