Meet SKYFchain at International Blockchain Projects Road Show

Meet SKYFchain at International Blockchain Projects Road Show

THELOGICALINDIAN - Enhance your all-embracing access and adore new business opportunities

Why should you appointment International Blockchain Projects Road Show?

The above acumen is to accumulate yourself adapted about the advanced projects from all over the apple to advice advance your own business, extend the networking and baddest investment-wise startups.

The affairs is impressive. From April 5 to May 12, top ICOs are touring 16 cities in 11 countries of 3 regions. A advanced ambit of startups in altered cities will accompany the event. One of the headliners is

SKYFchain is the aboriginal B2R (business-to-robots) blockchain-based operational platform. Its presale ($2M) has been awash out aloof in 5 days! The belvedere aggregates advice on all the contest of burden robots lifecycle: release, maintenance, capacity of the routes, specific flight assignments etc..

SKYFchain makes the admission to banking instruments of unmanned burden acumen absolutely accessible and trustworthy. SKYFchain activity is accurate by QIWI Blockchain Technology, the arch blockchain technologies company. To allotment their acquaintance and acquisition new supporters the SKYFchain aggregation is visiting Asia and the USA.

What is so appropriate about the International Blockchain Projects Road Show? First of all, no charge to biking far for those absorbed in accord – the Road Show’s locations are accoutrement bisected of the world!

Secondly, clashing abounding crypto events, it is abbreviate but advantageous – aloof 3 hours, including presentations and breaks. If two coffee-breaks are not abundant for your networking you are added than acceptable to accompany an after-party to get to apperceive the projects and the participants alike better.

Benefit from Road Show and absorb a affection time as it provides with opportunities for reliable all-embracing investments. Only acknowledged and accurately accustomed projects will be presented. Most importantly, claimed alternation with CEOs and aggregation associates will accord you an acumen and bigger compassionate into whether a startup reflects your business interests.