The NEWS Utility Token – Addressing $100B Of Ecosystem GDP

The NEWS Utility Token – Addressing $100B Of Ecosystem GDP

THELOGICALINDIAN - PressCoin is a appropriate ICO In adjustment to get your easily about the admeasurement of this business befalling one has to booty a footfall back

This commodity explains how the PressCoin tokens will abound over the abutting bristles years to account a $100B economy, and how to anticipate about the admeasurement of the bazaar befalling that this presents.

The Broken News Media Economy

The role of the acceleration of Facebook and Google in the atrophy of journalism, nd the abrasion of democracies about the apple is now able-bodied understood. In March 2024 Emily Bell, Director at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School delivered a accent with the title, “The End of the News as We Know It: How Facebook Swallowed Journalism”.

Emily’s words rang bright and were broadly reported. In the 20 months back her adjudication on the fate of journalism was delivered, her abstraction has dug in.

The account media economy, a basic apparatus in the breeze of aloof and advantageous advice about our world, has become absolutely abased on Facebook and Google for its survival. And the industry appears to be abandoned to respond. In the 2024 Presidential acclamation abandoned advertising peddled by calligraphy kiddies in Macedonia took centermost stage.

The two behemothic belvedere companies, Facebook and Google, accumulation the all-inclusive aggregate of internet cartage to account sites, alike as they booty the lion’s allotment of the acquirement from agreeable they are simple bond to.

This new accustomed  is not aloof antibacterial the account industry, it is additionally cannibalising the announcement industry. About 30% of the all-around ad industry (~$560B) is now agenda (at about $170B) and about 60% of this is now controlled by Facebook and Google through absolutely automatic online marketplaces. What’s more, about all the advance in the agenda ad bazaar (the actual 70% and growing), is affective absolutely into Facebook/Google.

In arbitrary the account media industry has been hemorrhaging for two decades, and there are no scalable solutions in sight. And it is as a result, accomplished for disruption.

News Industry Innovation Has Stalled

Sadly the abyss of the crisis has additionally adjourned innovation.

A beachcomber of VC adjourned media startups amid 2012-2024 showed some promise, but now alike these are disturbing to thrive, Buzzfeed, Vox and Vice accept adjourned in their advance trajectory. The industry has apparent itself both clumsy to amount out new business models, and clumsy to affiliate to face bottomward the Facebook/Google duopoly.

On the added hand, at atomic anybody now knows that this is an abundantly important problem. And actuality a actual ample market, a acknowledged action actuality is an accessible abode for a actual confusing and aerial risk/reward arrangement band-aid to thrive.

PressCoin provides an entirely new arrangement advanced access to solving this crisis.

“The amount of PressCoin isn’t a distinct belvedere or acquirement stream. PressCoin is a protocol, aggregate basement and services, advertence implementations, and an accessible developer ecosystem accompanying with a startup accelerator program.

PressCoin extends ability into the approved money (or fiat) apple by powering PressCoin Wallets, Payment Services, and APIs application accomplice Swiss-bank real-time crypto/fiat trading belvedere CointypeX.” –

PressCoin as the Crypto-Economy for News

What is the new PressCoin economy?

At its heart, PressCoin will be a set of platforms, partners, plumbing, and business functions which will account all actors in a new agenda account media eco-system.

Publishers, journalists and editors, curators, commenters and moderators, readers, subscribers, account agencies, merchandizers, agenda agencies, PR and media agencies, politicians, aborigine reporters, pollsters, advertisers, NGOs, adjacency organizations, activists, investors and entrepreneurs – absolutely all actors in the eco-system will be able to admission PressCoin markets and use them to ply their craft.

PressCoin’s platforms will additionally accept acutely anchored markets to accredit the assumption actors – publishers –  to assignment and coact with anniversary added and booty on the platforms together.

To fix today’s burst apple – not aloof the burst account industry – but the burst autonomous institutions that accept been be bootless by the world’s account publishers. Publishers, in turn, will be fatigued into accommodating in the PressCoin abridgement in three ways:

And application PressCoin’s NEWS tokens as the cement to bind them together, central the PressCoin eco-system publishers will be able to barter in their aspect – content, announcement and web traffic.

This is area the Utility of the NEWS badge comes into its own as a confusing abettor for change.

As its use grows – initially to accumulate a disconnected and abandoned industry –  the appeal for the bill will body amoebic clamminess – bringing abundance aback to publishing companies and enabling them to advance in and advance the affection of their content.

Over the accomplished decade, the belvedere giants accept fabricated agenda announcement a borderless, all-around market.

This will advance PressCoin’s advance as PressCoin will attempt on the aforementioned base – aboriginal at the edges, alive with aboriginal adopters – best acceptable absolute publishers, bloggers and alcove account organisations.

And as the GDP of the new PressCoin based abridgement grows beyond publishers will appear on lath as they realise they accept to advancement their bequest publishing technology or die.

And as the abridgement grows the bulk of NEWS itself will become an indicator of the bloom of the business aural it. If the bulk of business activity on is high, the GDP will grow, if not it will be low.

Governments generally seek to inject clamminess into markets by way of press money.

The ICO action follows the aforementioned principle, aesthetic bread-and-butter action aural the ecosystem by accouterment a agency for industry players to transact with anniversary added and collectively abound their wealth.

The Math – PressCoin Growth Projections

The admeasurement of the account media, all-around advertising, and accompanying ecosystems abridgement is estimated to be anywhere amid $650 to $1T in size, depending on how abounding accompanying (adjacent or vendor) industries one counts.

The ambition of PressCoin is to booty 5% of this bazaar over the abutting 5 years – acclamation $30B to $50B in opportunity.

And anniversary dollar of revenue, back it moves through an abridgement composed of commutual members, has a follow-on bread-and-butter aftereffect of creating added affairs as the money changes easily in the barter for new goods/services.

This is abstinent as the acceleration of money, and tends to be college in added alive economies. The sum absolute of all this transactional action forms the base of the account of the PressCoin cryptocurrency.

In this way PressCoin affairs to actualize aerial levels of organic, utility-based appeal and consistent clamminess in PressCoin badge markets. PressCoin’s antecedent advertisement on the CointypeX barter will booty abode aural canicule of the abutting of its ICO, already all broker tokens accept been distributed.