NFTICALLY Announces COMEARTH, the Leading E-Commerce Metaverse Ecosystem

NFTICALLY Announces COMEARTH, the Leading E-Commerce Metaverse Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - NFTICALLY a Web3 ECommerce SaaS belvedere that admiral over 9000 NFT Marketplaces Storefronts globally announces the worlds aboriginal ecommerce Metaverse ecosystem COMEARTH COMEARTH will acquiesce brands to own basic acreage and accessible storefronts acquaintance centers or any basic absolute acreage apprehensible and above to serve consumers in the Metaverse

Backed by a deluge of covering investors, including Polygon co-founders Sandeep Nailwal and Jaynti Kanani and Coinbase CPO Surojit Chatterjee, COMEARTH is a basic planet spanning eight continents that aims to break key issues in avant-garde business including unsustainability, monopolization, intangibility, and security.

Businesses and individuals can acquirement basic acreage as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the metaverse, absolute by acute affairs deployed on the Polygon blockchain.

Equipped with their agenda land, citizens of COMEARTH can body immersive e-commerce adventures in basic absoluteness (VR), attainable by mobile, laptops, and VR devices. Global brands Polygon, CEAT, Blockchain Council, SporteNFT, amid others accept appear onboard COMEARTH.

The Blockchain Council is the aboriginal to advertise affairs to body in COMEARTH. The accumulation will barrage it’s own “Metaversity,” carrying Web3 apprenticeship via alive and recorded accessible training sessions, events, and seminars hosted in the basic world. With their all-around attendance of about 100,000 educators, learners, and enthusiasts, COMEARTH is assertive to present a one-of-its-kind alternate all-around apprenticeship hub.

COMEARTH has additionally admiring absorption from Agenda Fashion Week NYC, which will barrage an immersive basic abundance to advertise agenda accouterment from assorted affluence brands.

Landowners will be able to set up their metaverse ventures in aloof a few minutes, armed with a absolute set of DIY accoutrement and all-encompassing ready-to-use templates. These, forth with appearance like authorization onramp and APIs abutting with above Web2 business platforms, advice anyone advertise calmly via Salesforce, Shopify, OpenKart, Magenta, WooCommerce, etc.

A 2D-to-3D advocate transforms Web2 e-commerce artefact images into metaverse accordant 3D alternate models at the bang of a button. This allows absolute Web2 businesses to calmly drift their artefact listings over to COMEARTH and accomplish them accessible via an intrinsically affiliated to an acceptance NFT. More capacity can be begin in the COMEARTH whitepaper here

COMEARTH is advised to accredit able E-Commerce in the Metaverse. Businesses can accretion admired analytic insights about the cartage their acreage receives, accumulated with admission to advance bearing tools. The belvedere will abutment Live Streaming and 360-degree artefact affectation authoritative it a fit for artefact barrage events. The adaptability of ambience up showrooms to barometer artefact absorption would acquiesce businesses to run bargain business campaigns and aggregate customer abstracts (with their permission) from absorbed parties. Startups can advantage these accoutrement to iterate on their MVPs with a quick go-to-market strategy. These factors amidst others affiance to accord decidedly to the top band of companies operating their storefronts on the metaverse.

COMEARTH aims to be the of the approaching in Web3 amplitude – It shall be the one abode bodies common accumulate whenever they appetite to appoint with brands and creators. The ambition of COMEARTH is to advance the ability and adaptability provided by the Metaverse and amalgamate it with the aegis and accuracy of Blockchains to actualize a apple that shall ability sustainable all-around e-commerce in the advancing decades. Conceptualised about the needs of the consumer, COMEARTH has positioned itself to accommodate hyper-personalized arcade acquaintance to its consumers that extends above user profiles empiric with the incumbents. Aggregating all-around brands and creators on a distinct belvedere has been the aqueduct of accouterment world-class user acquaintance to consumers which COMEARTH accomplish in to solve.

Toshendra Sharma, Founder & CEO at NFTICALLY said: “COMEARTH aims to become the of Web3. Brands and businesses are starting to apprehend the ability of decentralized technology and its appulse on customer assurance and retention. COMEARTH provides an automatic belvedere for these players to get complex and action immersive adventures for consumers and fans.”

Brian Trunzo, Metaverse Lead at Polygon Studios, said, “Polygon Studios is admiring to acceptable COMEARTH as a admired accomplice into the ecosystem. Their easy-to-use and able apartment of applique brings brands and rights holders afterpiece to their audiences — a key aspect of facilitating broader Web3 adoption”.

According to new research, two in bristles brands plan to advance up to bisected of their account into a metaverse, VR, or AR action in the abutting two years. Recent circuit of basic allocation at big tech firms are apparent as arch indicators of the affiance metaverse brings to the animal race. With the adeptness to calibration calmly and sustainably via Polygon, COMEARTH is abreast to ample this charge in the bazaar in the advancing years.


NFTICALLY is a Web3 E-Commerce SaaS Platform that helps enterprises accredit NFTs in their business through a white-label no-code storefront forth with APIs, Infrastructure & Tools (Shopify for NFTs & more). It enables celebrities, influencers, gamers, clubs & enterprises to commercialize their agenda assets beneath their area name or storefront in a white-label address after any abstruse knowledge.

With NFTICALLY, celebrities & enterprises can ascendancy the assorted aspects of their NFT storefronts like blockchains, wallets, cryptocurrencies, authorization on-ramp, airdrop, analytics, UX, etc.

NFTICAlly supports assorted blockchains, wallets & cryptocurrencies to affluence the business aerial in amalgam these circuitous systems in their own NFT marketplace.

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