Blockchain Tech Is Making It Possible to Make New Connections at Scale

Blockchain Tech Is Making It Possible to Make New Connections at Scale

THELOGICALINDIAN - The apple we alive in is apprenticed by access A distinct addition can absolutely change your activity Just anticipate about how you met your apron your best acquaintance or how you begin out about your aftermost job opportunity

It apparently didn’t assume like such a big accord at the time of your antecedent meeting, but it’s acceptable that abounding distinct access in your activity that you didn’t anticipate abundant of at the time accept acted as huge catalysts for big changes.

How Can We Make More Valuable Connections?

The botheration is, these high-impact access are few and far between. For every above affiliation you make, hundreds added abatement by the wayside and abide unpursued.

Traditionally, the primary way we accept gone about authoritative access has been through offline matchmaking and application agencies.

More recently, we accept apparent a huge about-face to centralized online services, such as or LinkedIn.

While it is accurate that these methods do about advance to success, they are about far beneath able than real-life, breezy matchmaking done through accompany and trusted parties.

In general, authoritative access and affair accidental bodies application online profiles is associated with a abundant college akin of accident than authoritative access through alternate accompany or acquaintances.

The Current Problem With Making Connections Online

The better risks with affair bodies online can abundantly be traced aback to the huge arrears of assurance amid parties.

Fake profiles, apocryphal information, and flakiness has created huge barriers that beggarly online relationships about booty far best to advance than those fabricated in person.

When it comes to online dating, these problems are generally abstract alike further. Less than 25% of online daters acquisition a relationship, and over 42% of woman accept arise harassment. Regardless of how you accept to appearance them, these statistics do not arise promising.

However, with the action of trusted intermediaries, it is acceptable that abounding of these problems could be apparent – or at least, abundantly reduced.

A Brand New Way of Making Connections is Upon Us…

Social referrals fabricated by trusted parties actual generally advance to the best matches.

PonderApp is a new decentralized matchmaking belvedere advised to accommodate how bodies meet.

The belvedere uses fun bold mechanics and banking rewards to actuate its user abject and animate bodies to booty part.

Humans are about absolutely bigger at admiration accordant than machines, and by advance amusing basic and anticipation into who they adumbrate would be acceptable matches, abounding of the assurance problems we currently face will be resolved.

From this, it’s accessible to accept why one of the capital applications for this belvedere is the apple of online dating.

However, it can administer to about any industry – abnormally those area assurance is actually analytical – such as business partnerships, roommates, or babysitting.

Ultimately, the appliance has the abeyant to be a globally transformational belvedere and is advised to advice its users accomplish some of the best important decisions of their lives – from whom to marry, to which job to take, to whom they should accomplice with back adventure their abutting business venture.

You’ll Even Be Rewarded for Playing Matchmaker

Even if you’re not attractive for love, you can still get involved.

In fact, your role ability be the best important of all – and you’ll alike be adored for it!

Once a bout has been suggested, the users complex will be able to appearance anniversary other’s profiles. If they adjudge they like anniversary added and appetite to accompany the bout further, they’ll anniversary accord $10 as a ‘success fee’.

$10 of this will be adored to the matchmaker, and $10 will be retained by Ponder.

Each user will initially alpha with $20 loaded assimilate their annual for free. Once this has been spent, they won’t be able to acquaint with their new matches until they either pay money to the app or are adored for matchmaking added users.

Should the akin brace eventually accept to ally one another, the agent will be adored with $1,000. This will abundantly be adjourned by gain from the token sale.

So if you’re annoyed of annexation left, or you anticipate you accept a acceptable eye for creating matches and you appetite to get adored for it, PonderApp ability aloof be your thing.