PandaCash: A Low Risk – High Reward No-Loss Lottery in DeFi Space

PandaCash: A Low Risk – High Reward No-Loss Lottery in DeFi Space

THELOGICALINDIAN - Decentralized Finance DeFi in abbreviate the blockchaindriven anarchy in the fintech amplitude continues to grab the account As platforms alms decentralized loans allowance and added banking articles abide to abound the applications of such technology in added industry verticals are an agitative hypothesis Making acceptable of this befalling is PandaCash a Binance Smart Chainbased noloss action arrangement that makes use of RFI badge mechanics to auspicious hodling of its built-in PANDA badge by the association In acknowledgment it offers agitative allotment and rewards which is abundant college than accepted DeFi instruments

No-loss action is not a new thing, as the abstraction has been about in acceptable accounts for absolutely some time now. Also accepted as Prize-linked Savings Account in cyberbanking jargon, these accounts alter a allotment of absorption contrarily payable on deposits to a award-winning basin that funds the action payout to baddest winners. PandaCash accouterments a agnate concept, but in a added advantageous appearance as the befalling to win the action is in accession to changeless rewards generated based on the affairs volumes and is about abundant college than yields through accepted DeFi agriculture or staking process.


PandaCash is a DeFi activity with no-loss action apparatus which executes burning administration of revenues to $PANDA holders as and back generated. Created by a aggregation of developers and crypto enthusiasts, PandaCash enables badge holders to acquire rewards by accomplishing nothing. Yes, that’s correct. All they accept to do is authority at atomic $20 account of $PANDA and they will abide earning a allotment in the transaction fees calm throughout the network. The alternate action is an added benefit area one advantageous affiliate of the association stands to win the admirable award-winning — Tesla Model X automobile.

The allurement apparatus on PandaCash is accurate by its arrangement fee structure. The activity has set in abode a 10% redistribution fee on clamminess aural the network, which will be activated to affair rewards, advance clamminess and armamentarium the action pool. The action wallet collects 2% of all redistribution fees answerable by the arrangement and already the basin hits the $100,000 mark, a advantageous draw will be conducted to aces a champ at random. To ensure transparency, the action draw is accomplished application the Chainlink Verifiable Accidental Function (VRF) during a alive advertisement on YouTube. In accession to the milestone-based action draw for the admirable prize, PandaCash additionally conducts a annual draw area the advantageous winners get to own a aboriginal PlayStation 5 console.

While PandaCash starts off with a best badge accumulation of 100 abundance $PANDA, it has created an congenital apparatus that stabilizes the amount as acceptance increases. The activity is acceptable aback it comes to alms rewards and afire tokens to ensure abiding advantage for its community. With 50% of $PANDA in circulation, the activity has a milestone-based bake affairs that is affiliated anon to bazaar capitalization. As the bazaar assets grows, the cardinal of tokens burnt will additionally increase. In addition, 3% of anniversary transaction on the PandaCash arrangement deducted as allotment of the redistribution fee (30% of the fees) is channeled aback to the clamminess basin and the LP tokens are burnt to ensure connected clamminess aeon while alienated balance bazaar accumulation of tokens as LP rewards.

The PandaCash association can be assured of the platform’s candor and the candor of rewards distribution, as able-bodied as the no-loss lottery, draws as absolute codebase, and the acute affairs are audited and certified by Techrate.

In addition, the aftereffect of all advantageous draws can be readily absolute on the blockchain.

PandaCash is an avant-garde appliance of Reflect Finance archetypal that is advised to action added than aloof a approved DeFi solution. It offers a low-risk – aerial accolade advantage for the crypto community, abnormally to those attractive for abiding acquiescent assets bearing options in the DeFi space.

Learn added about PandaCash at –