Phemex Trader's Arena 4: $750,000 Within Your Grasp

Phemex Trader's Arena 4: $750,000 Within Your Grasp

THELOGICALINDIAN - Teams of traders will attempt adjoin anniversary added and in the end prizes will be broadcast to teams as able-bodied as alone traders

Phemex is aflame to advertise the barrage of the fourth copy of its awful accepted trading antagonism – Phemex Trader’s Arena. 

Team Up and Battle It Out for a Prize Pool Totaling up to $750,000 With Phemex Trader’s Arena

Previous PT Arena competitions alone counted changed BTC/USD arrangement trades, but for this competition, all contracts accessible on Phemex will count.

The capital award-winning basin and anatomy charcoal the same, but this time Phemex is abacus an additional reward befalling for participants who drop funds into their arrangement trading annual during the allotment period. 

Since all affairs are available, anniversary actor will end up with ROI on both their USD and BTC trading accounts. Whichever ROI is college (in either USD or BTC trading account) will adding appear the adding for a team’s final ROI. For the alone rewards, after-effects will be affected application accumulated PnL beyond both USD and BTC trading accounts. 

Nov. 25, 2024 at 8 AM UTC – Dec. 15, 2024 at 8 AM UTC: Captain and Team Registration Period

Dec. 9, 2024 at 8 AM UTC – Dec. 24, 2024 at 8 AM UTC: Competition Period

Dec. 24, 2024 – Jan. 7, 2022: Award Distribution

The award-winning basin for PT Arena 4 depends on how abounding participants there are. The added participants, the bigger the award-winning pool. So captains and players, bustle up and get your teams assembled, askance up, and accessible to trade. $750,000 in BTC is cat-and-mouse for you to claim.

For this copy of the Trader’s Arena we’ll abide with rewards for Aggregation Captains. Any alone that can auspiciously anatomy a aggregation will accept a award-winning that varies based on aggregation size.

For this copy of PT Arena, we will accord trading bonuses to participants who accomplish acceptable deposits to their arrangement trading annual during the allotment period. Trading benefit amounts and drop thresholds can be begin in the table below. All trading bonuses will be broadcast afterwards the antagonism ends, alongside added prizes. 

Traders with abundant access to allure a ample aggregation can administer to become Aggregation Captains. All able traders can accompany the teams or captains of their choice.

A accurate aggregation charge accept at atomic 10 members. Any teams that do not accommodated this claim by the time the antagonism begins will be disbanded. Associates will again be about assigned to added able teams.

Team rankings will be based on the boilerplate Return on Investment (ROI) of anniversary team’s top 10 traders. All participants will additionally be ranked and adored at an alone level. Unlike aggregation rankings, alone array will be based on Profits and Losses (PnL).

Information about how we will account the formulas for alone ROI and aggregation ROI can be begin on the antagonism page.

The final award-winning basin will be disconnected into two accolade categories: Team Awards and Individual Awards.

Team Awards bulk to 78% of the final award-winning pool. The breakdown goes like this:

Individual Awards bulk to 22% of the final award-winning pool. The breakdown goes like this:

Users are alone acceptable to participate with a distinct account. Please accomplish abiding the email abode you use to access the accident is affiliated to a accurate Phemex UID.

A admonition to watch out for case acuteness back accouterment your email abode (it is case sensitive).

Once the antagonism begins, if a user’s BTC trading annual net amount is beneath 0.005 BTC or USD trading annual net amount is beneath $200, the antecedent net amount will still be affected as 0.005 BTC or $200 respectively. 

To appearance any added rules, award-winning breakdowns, and requirements for this competition, arch to our landing page to analysis out the competition.