PocketNet Changes Name to Bastyon and Releases Private Messaging App With PKOIN Chat Payments

PocketNet Changes Name to Bastyon and Releases Private Messaging App With PKOIN Chat Payments

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bastyons messaging app would accommodate endtoend encryption no articulation to buzz cardinal or any added metadata authoritative it the best clandestine agent

Pocketnet, the amusing arrangement based on proof-of-stake blockchain technology, enters a new appearance of advance by alteration its name to Bastyon and by absolution a cast new clandestine messaging component.

This new crypto babble app contains advanced end-to-end encryption and will not use any alone identifiable advice from the user. One of the best absorbing appearance of this agent is its adeptness to accelerate crypto payments aloof like any added message.

The Bastyon arrangement now includes:

The basal blockchain absolute all the abstracts acclimated by Bastyon is still called PocketNet and the arrangement badge that is acclimated to atone bulge operators and arrangement participants is still the PocketCoin (PKOIN). The anew appear agent app independent in Bastyon additionally allows users to barter 19 altered tokens anon into Pocketcoin. These tokens accommodate BCH, XRP, DOGE, NEO, DASH and others. Direct barter into Pocketcoin augments the three exchanges alms PKOIN pairs, Bilaxy, Digifinex and Bitforex.

The abutting footfall for Bastyon is the achievement of the decentralized announcement exchange that will accredit advertisers and authors to use PKOIN to complete certain announcement deals, application PKOIN acute contracts.

Importance of the Bastyon Private Messenger

Bastyon clandestine agent differentiates from absolute messengers in the afterward ways:

Bastyon agent is hosted on decentralized servers, any user can run a server for themselves or for the arrangement to acquire added PKOIN. This is badly altered from all above absolute messengers. They are either not end-to-end encrypted by absence or crave a buzz cardinal connection, which violates the users’ privacy.

Bastyon agent additionally augments the newest video adequacy of the network. Videos aggregate on the Bastyon arrangement can be beheld and rated anon in the chat. This will access the ability for Bastyon video creators.

Success of Video on Bastyon

Bastyon has afresh added video uploading capability. Videos are hosted on decentralized servers that can be launched by anyone, with advantage in Pocketcoin (PKOIN). The aggregate of video uploads is growing exponentially.

Pocketcoin (PKOIN) as the Token of Bastyon

The accomplished Pocketnet arrangement including Bastyon.com and added apps relies on the Pocketcoin (PKOIN) to atone and incentivize creators, bulge operators and users. PKOIN is a proof-of-stake bill on the Pocketnet blockchain.

Uses of PKOIN: Attaching to Comments

Bastyon.com includes a cardinal of atypical means that PKOIN can be used. Users can attach PKOIN to donations for bloggers forth with comments to videos, alive streams or posts. A animadversion with a donation will be brought to the top of the discussion, appropriately incentivizing the columnist to answer.

Uses of PKOIN: Send through Chat

Bastyon users can now seamlessly accelerate PKOIN in any alone or accumulation babble anon to the user. This is important, because exchanging crypto addresses is annoying and is decumbent to mistakes. Sending PKOIN through the Bastyon babble is absolute by the babble digitial signatures, which are affiliated to accessible identiies on the Pocketnet blockchain.

Easy Exchange of 19 Currencies into PKOIN

Bastyon aggregation appear a simple accoutrement to barter 19 altered currencies anon into PKOIN, appropriate from the Bastyon PKOIN wallet. The currencies accommodate BCH, DOGE, XRP, ETH, USDT, XLM, NEO, DASH, BAT and others. This enables Bastyon users to abutment bloggers or accelerate transfers to accompany by application abounding currencies.

PKOIN has afresh been listed on three above exchanges Bilaxy, Digifinex and Bitforex. PKOIN has a anchored accumulation of 24,375 thousand bill that will anytime be issued with the aboriginal halving advancing up.

Future of Decentralized Social Media & Social Crypto Transfers

The new absolution of Bastyon.com establishes the arrangement and PKOIN as a above amateur in the decentralized amusing media and crypto acquittal space. Pocketnet arrangement and Bastyon are non-corporate accessible antecedent projects, modeled on Bitcoin. This prevents abounding of the abuses that amusing media platforms tend to administer on users already they abound big.


About Pocketnet:

Pocketnet is a decentralized, open-sourced, non-corporate project. It is modeled on Bitcoin and can be alleged the Bitcoin of amusing networks, with the above aberration that it uses the activity able Proof-of-Stake algorithm. Pocketnet is accurate by a arrangement of according decentralized nodes with users advancement abounding ascendancy of their abstracts and content.

Pocketnet rewards bulge operators, and all agreeable contributors. Active users can accretion acceptability and may again participate in the adult agreeable balance system.

Many alive bloggers accept alone Big Tech’s amusing networks and angry their absorption to Pocketnet.

Pocketcoin (PKOIN) is the built-in badge that facilitates the Proof-Of-Stake network, and discharge is bound to 24,375,000. There was no premine or ICO, as the Pocketnet aggregation is committed to the Bitcoin archetypal of amoebic growth.

Download the Pocketnet whitepaper in English actuality


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