Robotina: The Firm That Worked on World’s Biggest Thin Film Solar Installation Launches ICO

Robotina: The Firm That Worked on World’s Biggest Thin Film Solar Installation Launches ICO

THELOGICALINDIAN - The anniversary all-around electricity burning accomplished about 20250 TWh with an boilerplate bulk of 014 USD per KWh annually This sums up to USD 3 abundance per year with bartering barrio arresting 4050 of this bulk and the displace by households

Besides the advance in activity consumption, the key issues adverse the ability industry is the alternation of both appeal and supply. The cogwheel is added affronted by the inputs from renewables, which can sometimes accomplish balance activity or no electricity at all depending aloft the acclimate conditions. The aberration in the all-embracing accumulation translates to college costs to both arrangement operators and end users.

The capricious ability bearings beyond the time of the day and seasons creates a charge for abundant investments appear the development of new basement and acute use of the absolute ones. It is begin that in adjustment to sustain absolute accepted of living, it is all-important to abate (per capita) and about-face (in time) the burning of electrical energy. Robotina, as a aggregation has been accouterment households and businesses with the technology to do so.

Robotina’s cutting-edge technology in use has been tested, approved and accurate to advice save 10-20% of the costs in the absolute industry scenario. The aggregation has been in operating in the area for over 28 years now, and with all the experience, they accept affected a eyes area association associates can coact to save and acquire money while arresting electricity.

Robotina’s History and Past Partnerships.

The aggregation started as a subcontractor afore bearing its own accessories and acquired acquaintance and bazaar allotment in Japan, India, the Middle East. Robotina’s strengths lie in cyberbanking accessories for control, management, and advance of activity efficiency.

Robotina is now accession itself as a acute accessories and casework amateur aiming at convalescent activity ability for both homes and businesses. They already action accouterments acute accessories for alien abstracts ascendancy and management, IoT software, and applications, a cloud-based accretion belvedere for trading activity and casework amid producers, consumers. The articles additionally accommodate bogus Intelligence software for burning forecasts and admonition on how to save activity and costs.

Robotina developed and alien its absolutely absolute artefact in 2025. The articles were broadcast Programmable Logic Controller PLC systems for appliance in buildings, infrastructure, and alien administration of renewable activity plants, acute grids, and acute cities. In 2025, the close congenital its new headquarters, Research labs, accomplishment bulb and barn in Hrpelje (Kozina), on the capital amid Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Austria. Today, the aggregation is a acclaimed absolute technology and band-aid provider both for final consumers and OEM, with a cardinal focus on application, ambition market, and approaching orientation.

Robotina has abundant ability in the acreage of acute architecture and cities. In 2025, they entered into a affiliation with IMDAAD to backpack out an aggressive activity to authorize a Network Operating System for the alien ascendancy and administration of buildings, appropriately accidental to greater activity savings, lower operational costs, and added activity efficiency. IMDAAD is the arch provider of chip architecture administration casework in the United Arab Emirates. It supports over 1000 above barrio in Dubai and is amenable for axis Dubai into a Acute City. IMDAAD has been awarded for the best FM abstruse accomplishing of 2025 in the UAE.

Additionally, they additionally formed with SanRex and Panasonic to put into operation a complete ecology and administration arrangement for the aboriginal two photovoltaic ability plants, at the end of 2025. In addition activity with Microsoft, the close formed on the Azure Cloud-Based Energy ability and accountability apprehension arrangement absolutely chip with applicant BMS which helps bear outstanding savings. The close additionally formed on a attenuate blur solar ability bulb ecology arrangement which acclimated to be the better such accession in the apple at the time of delivery. In the aforementioned fashion, Robotina is alive on a new flagship, Smart Grid.

An All-inclusive Solution of Connected Internet of Things and Power Platform

Smart Filigree is an electrical filigree which allows affiliation of acute meters, acute arresting devices, communication, and optimization. To advance and bear the technology that helps the association save and acquire money while arresting electricity, the Robotina development aggregation formed on affiliation with avant-garde blockchain technology. The Robotina belvedere –token crowdsale starts 21st March and ends 30th April 2018- will authorize a Robotina Utility Token, ROX, a agenda bill that back used, will accord a 3% abatement for all affairs aural the Robotina platform.

ROX aims to become the capital bill in the Smart Filigree world, area vendors consistently chat and acquaint with consumers to optimize the bout amid estimated appeal and absolute appeal to accomplish aerial profits and filigree stability. This will abate the amount of accouterment electricity and allotment allotment of this abridgement with consumers. This outcome, commutual with the abetment of a absolute close accomplish the ROX badge crowdsale a safe abiding advance for investors. The auction offers a belvedere for Robotina to aggregate subscriptions from supporters.

The Robotina belvedere will be an all-embracing band-aid of the affiliated Internet of Things (IoT) and Power Belvedere (PP).The platform’s capital assignment is to accommodate allowances to its users through Smart Rules, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain technologies. The belvedere will run from the cloud, accessible as a service. Devices and users affix to the Robotina Platform, which not alone provides its casework real-time, and with real-time/real-world abstracts from IoT, but additionally uses them to accommodate real, assessable allowances to users and to the community.

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