Saifu, a Simple and Secure Cryptocurrency Solution

Saifu, a Simple and Secure Cryptocurrency Solution

THELOGICALINDIAN - Theres a archetype about-face underway The abiding advance in acceptance and amount of cryptocurrencies in the accomplished few years is banishment bodies to amend the abstraction of money At this point it seems assertive that cryptocurrencies will comedy a above role in how we abundance and barter amount in the approaching We are on the bend of a agenda anarchy not clashing the access of the internet retailers of the aftermost two decades

In 2024, the above cryptocurrencies exploded in amount – Bitcoin is account ten times what it was one year ago, Ether is 66 times added valuable, Ripple is account about 200 times more. Obviously, this akin of advance has admiring a lot of interest. Everyone wants an advance with that array of value. However, for best bodies cryptocurrencies can be difficult to buy, adamantine to accumulate safe and absurd to use for abounding circadian banking transactions.

Currently, a user can buy Bitcoin from an barter like Coinbase or Binance application their acclaim card, for a fee. But again the user has a difficult decision: what do they do with their Bitcoin? They can leave it on the exchange, but a cardinal of above exchanges accept been hacked, gone insolvent, or artlessly abolished with their customers’ money. They can alteration the Bitcoin to an online wallet, but this additionally presents a lot of aegis risks. The alteration could be monitored by hackers, who would again accept admission to the Bitcoin. Alternatively, the user could alteration their Bitcoin to a accouterments wallet. This is the best defended band-aid but additionally presents aegis risks. The Bitcoin is now sitting on a computer. What if it fails, or is stolen? And what can the user do with those Bitcoin? Alteration them aback to an barter and advertise them, again alteration the funds aback to their account? That’s an bulky action with fees at every step.

These assurance apropos and the abridgement of affiliation amid authorization and cryptocurrencies accept accustomed abeyant users the consequence that cryptocurrencies are alone for the technologically inclined. Many businesses would accede the allowances of accepting cryptocurrencies, but this acumen makes them reluctant.

Cryptocurrencies cannot abide the absolute area of the techies. Saifu is a startup out of Europe that wants to accomplish cryptocurrencies accessible to buy, advertise and spend, all with bank-grade aegis and regulation.

Fiat and Cryptocurrencies on One Secure Platform

Saifu’s ambition is to accomplish cryptocurrencies attainable to the boilerplate customer in a defended and simple platform. After a simple onboarding action that satisfies Know Your Client (KYC) regulations, a Saifu user will accept admission to a distinct annual able of captivation both cryptocurrencies and authorization currencies. They’ll be issued a Mastercard affiliated to this account, and can use the Saifu adaptable app to analysis balances, accelerate payments, and barter authorization and cryptocurrencies.

These are IBAN accounts, advised to abolish the complication surrounding the crypto-economy, after compromising the aegis of either currency. To ensure this, the belvedere will accommodate a multi-layered, bank-grade aegis system, with the key purpose of accouterment barter with aegis for all their deposits.

The founders of the close are Alexander Legoshin and Evgeny Vigovskly. Legoshin is an entrepreneur, broker and above lath affiliate at Rigas Gaze. Vigovsky was the all-around arch of Kaspersky Lab’s DDoS protection, area he formed for over 12 years. They accept both alien high-tech articles and casework to the all-around market. Using their acquaintance in fintech, advice security, blockchain technology, artefact administration and software development, they accept spearheaded the conception and development of the Saifu platform.

Established in 2024, Saifu has already developed a ambit of claimed casework for consumers, and are operating in a bankrupt beta. The close will acquaint added casework for businesses and banking institutions, as able-bodied as accretion their ambit of casework to consumers. Registration for the accessible beta adaptation is accessible now at

Saifu Features

For businesses, Saifu provides a artefact that helps to abundance and use authorization and cryptocurrencies for their circadian operations. Saifu enables them to calmly authorize amount programs in both cryptocurrency and authorization bill and facilitates cryptocurrency accretion and payments for both online and offline business. Saifu will anon affair branded prepaid debit cards that are affiliated to the business’s Saifu accounts, authoritative a authorization or cryptocurrency transaction as accessible as it would be application a acceptable coffer as an intermediary.

For individuals, Saifu will accommodate a simple and defended belvedere that lets them buy, sell, and absorb cryptocurrencies seamlessly. Users can blow accessible alive their cryptocurrencies are safe from hackers, adequate by Thales nShield accouterments aegis modules. Their authorization currencies will be analogously adequate in IBAN accounts, affiliated to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) and chip with the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA). They’ll be issued Saifu Mastercard prepaid debit cards that can be acclimated anywhere Mastercard is accepted, and Saifu intends to after add NFC functionality so users can pay with their buzz via Apple Pay, Android Pay, or Samsung Pay. Authorization purchases can be instantly adjourned with the user’s cryptocurrencies.

The Future of Saifu

Saifu hopes to bare the aloft appearance in their accessible beta, accessible Q2 ’18, but they accept big affairs for the future. Saifu will abide development of their trading bot for cryptocurrencies, application Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data. Saifu will administer for arch licenses from both Visa and MasterCard, accomplishing their ambition of acceptable an accustomed acquittal academy with an Electronic Money Academy license.

Saifu is in the bosom of their ICO, which opened on February 19, and is set to end on April 30, 2024. The Saifu badge (SFU) will be acclimated to pay for all transaction fees on the Saifu website and app, and badge holders will be acceptable for cashback and added bonuses. They’re currently offered at a amount of 0.0001 BTC. The tokens are ERC20 adjustable and Saifu expects they will be traded on the three exchanges from the start, in accession to the Saifu platform. The bendable cap is set at $10,000,000 and the adamantine cap at $49,000,000. Much of the ICO allotment will go to accretion to new jurisdictions and added licenses, which accept aerial clamminess requirements. Added allotment will pay for marketing, infrastructure, and R&D.

Saifu promises an accessible and defended way for consumers to buy, sell, and use their cryptocurrencies, and offers advantageous crypto casework for businesses. With these features, Saifu has the abeyant to become a domiciliary name beyond the globe.

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