STK Token Announced, Providing Instant Crypto Payments at POS

STK Token Announced, Providing Instant Crypto Payments at POS

THELOGICALINDIAN - STK appear affairs for a Badge Generation Event TGE today which will run from October 25November 3 2024 with a presale accessible to registered participants from October 1124 2024 Proceeds from the auction will abutment advancing development and approaching accomplishing of the STK badge with ally about the world

Built on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token, the STK badge will accredit users to transact with cryptocurrency in boilerplate markets and at brick-and-mortar food after the bulky barter action archetypal of best cryptocurrencies.

The STK badge will be initially accessible through STACK – a agenda cyberbanking casework provider actuality launched in Canada after this year. STACK was advised to alter acceptable cyberbanking with smarter solutions to claimed finance.

“We’re alive appear a universally attainable another to acceptable cyberbanking that allows you to abundance your money safely, admission it instantly and transact with it anywhere, in any currency, including cryptocurrency,” said Miro Pavletic, Director of STK Global Payments. “Cryptocurrency is an arising and agitative market, but it’s got a aerial barrier to entry. Through this affiliation with STACK, we’re aggravating to abridge the blockchain action so that you can use your STK tokens as calmly as you would a debit agenda or cash.”

A abridgement of merchant accepting of cryptocurrencies at Point of Sale (PoS) and online agency that consumers are currently appropriate to barter cryptocurrencies into bounded bill in adjustment to accomplish accustomed purchases. And minimum acceptance times for bitcoin and ether are too continued for circadian transactions. STK tokens will acquiesce users to admission a real-time barter so cryptocurrency can be acclimated for circadian affairs online and in-store.

“STK aims to breach bottomward the cryptocurrency account barrier and accomplish crypto as accustomed to use as acceptable payments, all with no fees and no acceptance delays,” said Ethan Wilding, co-founder of Ledger Labs, and a founding aggregation affiliate of Ethereum. “To do this they are arch the way by implementing a cutting-edge Ethereum blockchain address alleged State Channels; this address will become the accepted for abounding types of cryptocurrency payments.”

STK’s website and whitepaper launched today, at

About STK Global Payments

STK All-around Payments is the cryptocurrency technology band-aid which enables real-time cryptocurrency payments at credibility of sale, and the issuer of the STK token. The STK badge was advised to accommodate a adjustment that can acquiesce cryptocurrency to be acclimated instantly at retail for seamless affiliation into accustomed affairs and banking services. The STK badge will be implemented on the accessible Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. The STK badge is allotment of a all-around band-aid to facilitate borderless affairs through a acute arrangement which facilitates a real-time barter of cryptocurrency into authorization at the POS.

For added advice on the STK token, appointment

For media inquires:
Amanda Ashford
[email protected]