Mobile Data Exchange DENT Seeks Disrupt Telco Market Blockchain

Mobile Data Exchange DENT Seeks Disrupt Telco Market Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - 19th June Hong Kong DENT Wireless Limited has appear its absorbed to agitate the worlds telco bazaar by creating the aboriginal Adaptable Abstracts Exchange DENT affairs to deliver adaptable abstracts by enabling anyone to buy advertise and accord adaptable abstracts through the Ethereum blockchain application a new accepted bill for abstracts markets the DENT Token

Liberating adaptable abstracts and abolition the telco market
“The DENT Exchange liberates adaptable abstracts by acceptance users to buy, advertise or accord abstracts on-demand. The world’s aboriginal all-around exchange for adaptable data, with absolutely cellophane and activating pricing, is about to alleviate the abounding abeyant of all-around abstracts usage, appropriately benefitting users and telcos alike” says Tero Katajainen, CEO and Founder of DENT Wireless.

Backed by DOVECOT co-founder
“DENT builds a association of telco barter like a “union” to advantage the aggregate affairs ability to drive change. For a telco, anniversary chump is awful admired – in actuality account a all-around boilerplate of $460. Combining aloof 2 actor barter represents $920 million, which no aggregation can ignore” says Mikko Linnamäki, co-founder of DENT Wireless. Mikko is additionally co-founder of DOVECOT Oy, the aggregation abaft DOVECOT, the world‘s best accepted IMAP server with a apple bazaar allotment of 72% and over 4 actor installs.

Mobile abstracts is big business, yet needs to be afflicted to alleviate the abounding potential
Global adaptable abstracts revenues in a distinct ages are $32 billion, according to Parks Associates [1]. However, abstracts is awash in silos per operator, and usually in anchored denominations. So either the user uses too little and loses the butt at the end of the announcement aeon (typically a month), or they use too abundant and again accept to pay balance charges. As an example, if aloof 15% of abstracts awash goes unused, a whopping amount of $4.8 billion is around forfeit.

“Roam like a local” for all-embracing abstracts usage

Using adaptable abstracts internationally is abundant – in principle. However, accuse are capricious for the user and up to 100x or added big-ticket than at home. Part of the acumen are legacies, such that abstracts cartage is baffled from the visited country aback home afore actuality concluded to the internet. We aim to advantage “local break-out” agnate to Wi-Fi hotspots today, to access efficiencies and lower costs for the users to calm levels.

Introducing the DENT Exchange
DENT will be the all-around barter for adaptable abstracts area – back absolutely scaled up – the world’s adaptable abstracts is sold, bought or donated, aloof like added bolt such as currencies are traded today. DENT will accomplish abstracts appraisement transparent, and through automatic behest increases the ability of purchase, aloof like atom markets and agenda announcement today.

DENT Tokens will be the all-around bill for trading adaptable abstracts via the Ethereum blockchain. Abstracts and DENT Tokens are acute affairs aural the blockchain, and accordingly automate the banking action and affix calm users and telcos globally. The decentralized attributes of Ethereum agency that the DENT Exchange is a all-around belvedere appropriate from the start.

For added details, amuse accredit to the DENT whitepaper at

Announcing Badge Sale
The accessible DENT badge auction opens on 12th July 2024 (1500 GMT) with up to 10% benefit tokens for aboriginal participation.

For added advice about DENT and the crowdsale see

Contact Name: Freya Stevens
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Location: London

1. Park Associates Abstraction of Mobile Abstracts Revenue:
2. CISCO abstraction about abstracts traffic: