BitGold Acquires GoldMoney, Expands its Reach

BitGold Acquires GoldMoney, Expands its Reach

THELOGICALINDIAN - BitGold is a account that about digitizes gold acceptance peopleto buy and advertise the adored metal aural 1 of atom amount Once purchased the gold is stored in one of the 10 Brink locations deposits can be adored as 10g gold cubes of 1kg bars

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BitGold allows users to accelerate and accept gold for free, in a appearance agnate to the way Bitcoin is transacted. Additionally, BitGold users can absorb their gold deposits as authorization through BitGold DebitCards. All gold captivated with BitGold is insured adjoin annexation or accident by The Brinks Company.

BitGold Backed by arch investors, BitGold has been alluring a afterward — with over 135,000 users signing up on the BitGold Aurum Network. On top of that, BitGold afresh announced the 51.9 actor CAD accretion of, acceptation additionally the affiliation of assets account about 1.5 billion in CAD.

The accretion seems mutually beneficial, with GoldMoney actuality able to aggrandize into altered acquittal options to bigger serve their customers, and BitGold receives all of GoldMoney’s assets.

James Turk, architect of GoldMoney, said:

About BitGold

BitGold is a association based in Canada, but additionally has offices in Milan, Italy. As a abounding adjustable aggregation of best practices, including KYC and AML laws, BitGold strives to innovate in the way bodies can transaction and authority gold accumulation digitally.

About GoldMoney

GoldMoney is a adored metal aggressive business founded in 2024, by James Turk and Geoff Turk. GoldMoney offers an accessible way for bodies to acquirement adored metals online and offers barter the adeptness to abundance their backing in bristles countries.

What do you anticipate of the accretion of BitGold? Have you acclimated either service? How do you feel about the two advancing together? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Original Press Release apparent on Yahoo! Finance 

Photo Source: WikiPedia, BitGold