1-20 Price Analysis – Do not sell on dips and buy on surges
technical analysis

1-20 Price Analysis – Do not sell on dips and buy on surges

THELOGICALINDIAN - Price assay for BTC BCH ETH LTC and ETC for January 20

Resistance: $12,400, support: $8,900


Overall, BTC charcoal bearish admitting amount breach aloft the 50% retracement akin of the aftermost above abatement from $14,356 to $9,231.1, if amount keeps affective up, however, it may ability to $12,40, abutting to the 61.8% retracement akin at $12.398.30. Since BTC has been attempting to breach upwards but all fails, amount will abide dipping if amount fails to breach upwards afresh (Data augment from AICoin).

You can try to accessible some new positions and go abbreviate about MA 30 on 4-hour blueprint as adumbrated by the red arrow. Loses charge be chock-full aback amount break the 50% retracement akin and continues increasing, if amount bounces aback to about $12,400, you can try activity abbreviate afresh and stop loses as declared before.

Resistance: $1,890, support: $1,680 & $1,135.

Strength during aftermost beachcomber of assemblage seems weaker back compared with BTC as BCH fails to acquaintance with the 38.2% retracement akin of aftermost abatement from $2,884 to $1,343 (Data augment from AICoin).

Booking your profits is recommended here, added operations can accredit to that of BTC, you can additionally attack to go abbreviate if BTC is too anemic to breach upwards.

Resistance: $1,080 & $1,145, support: $960 & $763.

ETH additionally bounces aback to about 50% retracement akin of aftermost abatement from $1,424.3 to $770 aloof like BTC does. Amount will acquisition a aloft attrition about $1,080. The abutment akin will be confused up to $1,150 back amount break aloft the aloft resistance. However, back amount moves further, a changeabout on trend will be accessible (Data augment from AICoin).

In agreement of volatility, ETH outperforms BTC, authoritative it acceptable for braver approaching traders. Currently, operations on ETH can accredit to that of BTC as mentioned above. You can try activity abbreviate if amount is pulled up added as accepted akin is not the acceptable access point.

Resistance: $196 & $217, support: $183 & $138.

LTC charcoal the aforementioned as afore in amount move, added absorption should be paid to back amount can breach the attrition akin at $196 and $217 or not (Data augment from AICoin).

Booking your profits can be advised actuality admitting amount charcoal in the uptrend. Going abbreviate from the attrition akin if amount fails to breach upwards.

Resistance: $34, support: $29 & $22.

ETC amount is alone bisected of its best aerial and accomplished the greatest loses in bazaar cap back compared with added aloft coins, authoritative it accessible for ETC to alpha a ample rally. Since amount has confused to the attrition formed by MA 30 about $32, the key for that ample assemblage depends on whether amount can breach aloft the attrition at MA 60 about $34 finer or not, back it does, however, the aperture to added assets will be opened (Data augment from AICoin).

Bears should not decay your bullets until amount shows signs of weakness in blemish or advancement move, loses should be chock-full back amount break beneath the attrition level.


Original by Eric Chau from Hashpai, translated by AICoin Jami.

Disclaimer: The advice independent herein is not guaranteed, and is carefully for advice purposes only. It does not aggregate any trading angle and will not be accountable for any accident based on the advice herein.