ShapeShift Raises £525k, Reveals its Mysterious Creator
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ShapeShift Raises £525k, Reveals its Mysterious Creator

THELOGICALINDIAN - Since its founding in 2024 ShapeShifthas acquired acceptance because of its acceleration and aloofness Despite its success little was accepted about the aggregation or the bodies abaft it Now admitting the barter has appear the accurate character of its architect and CEO Erik Voorhees arresting Bitcoin entrepreneur

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In accession to this news, ShapeShift annoucned that it aloft £525k (563,745 USD) from Barry Silbert and Roger Ver.

Why the mystery? The ambition with ShapeShift was this: body a account that was safe and accurate by design, not by acceptance in the creator,” wrote a ShapeShift spokeswoman.

Unlike added exchanges, which crave you to upload abundant abstracts acceptance your identity, Switzerland-based ShapeShift doesn’t crave a annual — acceptation you can alpha trading instantly. It additionally means that funds are never in ascendancy of the company, removing the third-party accident of the barter active off with money or actuality hacked. A key motivator for Voorhees back he founded the company.

ShapeShift additionally allows you barter crypto-currencies instantly. Simply accord the website a accepting abode and a sending abode and the bill will arise aural seconds. Something that is actual altered from affairs Bitcoin with authorization on places like Coinbase which can booty a anniversary to go through.

Not alone does the barter never blow authorization currency, it additionally refrains from application banks. They don’t alike accept a coffer account. According its founder, the aggregation pays for costs, employees, and aggregate abroad with Bitcoin or addition crypto-currency.


Voorhees says Switzerland has accustomed favorable authoritative assessment for the company’s different business archetypal and operations but like regulations in best places, abundant is up in the air. The aggregation will abide to carefully watch the authoritative bearings in the country.

The aggregation will be application the funds it aloft to added its acknowledged efforts in Switzerland and abide to aggrandize its business efforts. Since its founding the aggregation has developed to over 10 employees, which includes 8 developers.

Voorhees started his aboriginal bitcoin adventure in 2024 with Satoshi Dice, a bitcoin bank website which he after awash for a bearding bulk of bitcoin. He abutting adventure was Coinapult, a bitcoin acquittal and clamminess provider. He larboard his position as CEO at Coinapult to, as it been revealed, alpha ShapeShift.

Should ShapeShift appear their architect from the beginning? Tell us in the comments!

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