Bitcoin Price Bounces; Dead Cat?
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Bounces; Dead Cat?

THELOGICALINDIAN - So aftermost night we appear our twicedaily bitcoin amount and accent what we will be attractive at throughout the Asian affair during Thursday black The capital affair of chat was the overarching bearish abatement we accept apparent the bitcoin amount over the aftermost few canicule and the advancement that if we bankrupt in appellation abutment this abatement could able-bodied abide as we arch into the weekend As it happens we did get a bit added abatement but during presession Friday morning we accept had a little bit of abatement So with this said what of levels that we are befitting an eye on in the bitcoin amount today and how will we attending to get in and out of the markets according to our intraday blemish affair on any animation during the day Take a quick attending at the chart

bitcoin price

As you see, we are currently trading mid-range about 277.12. Our European affair ambit authentic by in appellation abutment at 274.17 (daily lows) and 278.76 to the upside confined as in appellation resistance. These are the two levels that we will be watching carefully today.

We will initially dealt with the accepted drive and attending for a breach aloft 278.76. If we can get a abutting aloft this level, we will initially go for a ambition of 281.67 and – above that – attending to the abiding 285 as a longer-term goal.

Looking the added way, a breach beneath 274.17 will put us abbreviate appear a concise ambition of 270 flat, with a stop accident about about 275.5 allowance us to advance a absolute accident accolade contour on the barter while abrogation us abundant allowance to abstain actuality chopped out in the accident that we acknowledgment to barter aural range.

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