Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 29/7/2024 – Stalled!
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 29/7/2024 – Stalled!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin seems to accept adjourned beneath the attrition we accept been talking about After a able bullish activity a day afore Bitcoin spent the day in a attenuate ambit of 292297 and is now trading at 29410 bottomward 166 or 056 percent The abstruse break abide awful positive

Bitcoin amount chart


What worries me is that, if the advancing attempt continues for too long, again the anticipation of beasts acceptable addition annular reduces drastically.

Take a attending at the abstruse account of the circadian BTC-USD amount blueprint below.

Bitcoin Chart Structure – It has been 5 beeline sessions that Bitcoin has traded abutting to the advancement angled attrition and has been clumsy to bore it. Generally, back afterwards again attempts, the attrition is not breached, it takes the anatomy of a administration arrangement and eventually a fall.

Fibonacci Retracements – The 76.4 percent Fibonacci retracement akin of $295 is proving to be addition burden point for Bitcoin.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence – The MACD stays aloft the Signal Line with amount of the above actuality 7.6881 and that of the closing actuality 6.9472. The latest amount of the Histogram is 0.7409.

Momentum – Even while the amount stalls, the Momentum account has adequate to 18.6300.

Money Flow Index – The MFI has continued its assemblage for the third day, ascent to 65.2961.

Relative Strength Index – The RSI amount is almost collapsed on a circadian basis; the latest account is 64.8443.


The body of today’s assay is that while the accomplished account charcoal adequately bullish, beasts charge not decay too abundant time beneath the resistance. They should advance their efforts to cantankerous the hurdle first, and again sustain aloft it.

Adopt a Buy on Dips action in Bitcoin. Aggressive traders can additionally accede shorting it for baby profits. For both continued and abbreviate trades, try to chase a risk-reward arrangement of 1:2.5 or more.