Bitcoin Price Watch: BTC/USD Forming Breakout Pattern Above $6,600
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Watch: BTC/USD Forming Breakout Pattern Above $6,600


Bitcoin amount is trading in a absolute area aloft $6,610 adjoin the US Dollar. BTC/USD is advancing for the abutting move either aloft $6,750 or beneath $6,600.

Bitcoin Price Analysis

During the accomplished few hours, there were abounding attempts to beat the $6,750 resistance by bitcoin amount adjoin the US Dollar. The BTC/USD brace struggled to accretion drive aloft $6,750 and traded in a range. The aftermost beat low was formed at $6,560 afore the amount confused higher. The amount traded aloft the $6,610 akin and acclimatized aloft the 100 alternate simple affective average. There was additionally a breach aloft the 61.8% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost accelerate from the $6,777 aerial to $6,560 low.

However, the upside move was capped by the $6,750 resistance. More importantly, there is a aloft application triangle in abode with attrition about $6,740 akin on the alternate blueprint of the BTC/USD pair. The brace has to move aloft the triangle attrition and $6,750 for more upsides. Should there be a breach aloft the $6,750 level, the amount may able-bodied analysis $6,829. It represents the 1.236 Fib addendum akin of the aftermost accelerate from the $6,777 aerial to $6,560 low.

Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC USD

Looking at the chart, if bitcoin corrects lower, the triangle abutment at $6,660 is acceptable to authority losses. Beneath this, the $6,610 akin and the 100 alternate SMA are acceptable to act as buy zones. Overall, the amount is acceptable to accomplish the abutting move either aloft $6,750 or beneath $6,600.

Looking at the abstruse indicators:

Hourly MACD – The MACD for BTC/USD is hardly affective in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI is placed aloft the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $6,610

Major Resistance Level – $6,750