Blockchain Topology
technical analysis

Blockchain Topology


Topology: “an breadth of mathematics anxious with the backdrop of amplitude that are preserved beneath connected deformations, such as addition and bending, but not disturbing or gluing” (from Wikipedia). It has been abstruse accouchement and mathematicians akin back the analysis of the Seven Bridges Problem and Möbius strips.

A map is a abundant archetype of a topological space. If you draw the latitudinal and longitudinal curve on a globe, it will still assignment if it becomes dented, or expands or affairs in size. If you detach and activity it assimilate a 2D surface, however, the angel will consistently be distorted.

As the agenda era advances, cartography is growing alike added abstract. Topological abstracts assay can booty abstracts and map it to a 3D space, giving it a arresting form. Network topology involves the appearance of a agenda network, and how the credibility connect.

Now, a new annex is emerging, carefully accompanying to both of the aforementioned. We’ll alarm it blockchain topology; it may accordingly be broadened to article added like Merkle, crypto, or abstracts topology, but will answer as a alive term, for now.

Blockchains are absolute for topological study: they are spaces for the accumulator of data. This abstracts comes in sets, which are abiding in aberration structures and advance in acknowledgment to real-world factors that we can assay already defined.


Blockchains are about fabricated of Merkle trees, a blazon of abstracts anatomy alleged afterwards their inventor. They await on a algebraic action alleged hashing–an irreversible function–and are capital to the operation of the Bitcoin protocol.

In accession to inventing the public/private key pairs on which all Bitcoin wallets rely, Merkle came up with a way to distill any set of abstracts to a distinct assortment amount alleged the Merkle root. Although you cannot accost any abstracts from the root, it’s accessible to prove whether a allotment of advice was acclimated to aftermath that number.

A Merkle timberline takes all of the abstracts pieces and hashes them calm two at a time, eventually absorption in the Merkle basis at the top. A Bitcoin block uses the basis of the antecedent block as one of its “leaves,” forth with all the affairs its miner chose to include.

In this manner, a blockchain forms a behemothic Merkle structure composed of abounding copse affiliated together. Its appearance is impacted by agreement updates, interactions with added blockchains, and bazaar armament in the cryptocurrency mining/minting industry.

Topological Spaces

As alluded to before, blockchains can be anticipation of as topological spaces if we align their basic abstracts into sets. We’ll not bother accidental readers with the math, for now, but we can still apprentice a lot by employing accompanying topological terminology.

A topology on a set describes the accord amid its elements. In the blockchain’s case, it illustrates the anatomy that forms back we affix them in the adjustment that they were calculated. It doesn’t amount how we draw the abutting lines, about speaking–they alone charge to affix to the appropriate abstracts pieces, giving the blockchain invariant topological properties.

The amplitude generated is an archetype of a metric space, acceptation the ambit amid every aspect is authentic by a metric (the 3D apple you alive in is a acceptable example). The blockchain’s metric is difficulty, a appellation coined by Bitcoin miners which will prove important to blockchain topology.

Difficulty usually refers to the adventitious of auspiciously mining or minting a block; it can additionally be activated in the ambience of a double-spend attack, with adversity accretion as the transaction assets confirmations. At the intra-block level, brute-force advancing a Merkle timberline to get a assortment amount in about-face (currently impossible) becomes added difficult with the cardinal of accomplish taken.

Functions and Definitions

A blockchain’s metric function is accordingly the one which calculates the adversity of award the ascribe abstracts point from the achievement for any two credibility on the chain. It is absolute, back it should not amount whether we are barometer advanced or backwards in time forth the chain. If the blockchain forks, the ambit amid credibility on abstracted prongs is taken forth the aisle abutting them, astern afresh advanced again.

The adversity action is continuous: it increases exponentially with the cardinal of hashes performed, in a bit-by-bit abruptness after any jumps, asymptotes, or accessible points. The assortment action itself is discontinuous, however, back changes in ascribe crop desperate and capricious changes in output.

The blockchain is consistently connected, however, in the topological sense. There are no 0 elements in its abstracts set, or abroad they would assortment to themselves (zero). There would be a missing articulation in the blockchain, and its topological amplitude would abatement apart. Blockchains are additionally compact, accepting boundaries consisting of the best contempo block’s basis assortment and all of its leaves.

This establishes the basics of blockchain topology, after accepting into accurate academic definitions. Now that the analogue is clear, we can accomplish and appraise some hypotheses about blockchain technology that can be activated or proven. Such will be the purpose of the afterward articles.


This commodity was advised for accurateness by Piotr Piasecki who completed his Masters in Bitcoin in Poland, and Alireza Beikverdi, who is advancing his in South Korea. Special acknowledgment to artisan Ram Reva!